You Are Not Prejudiced |
 Not only are you color blind, but you're also ethnicity blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind. You don't judge someone until you truly know them. And even then, you're probably reluctant to judge. You try to treat everyone equally. Everyone has a fair chance with you. Good job - there's not a prejudiced bone in your body. |
You Are Best Described By... |
 Farbstudie Quadrate By Wassily Kandinsky |
The Candy Heart You Should Give Is:

To: pingg
From: pongg
The Candy Heart You Should Give Is:

To: justsexy
From: toosexy
The Candy Heart You Should Give Is: |
 To: ginie didi From: tessa jie |
ROFL ?! -.- .
The Candy Heart You Should Give Is: |
 To: geraldine twinny From: tessa twinny |
You Can Change Your Life, But It Won't Be Easy |
 You really, truly want to change. You're just not sure that you can do it. You need a solid plan, supportive friends, and a strong will. Think about times you've made hard changes, and what you did to get through them. A change is in your future - you just need a little help getting started. |
xoxo 2:19 PM
i know i'm supposed to be doing homework and like study now . but yeah , i can't be bothered . at all . i don't know why . but homework just sucks . stupid lah , so many testpapers . i wanted to go sentosa today . but i couldn't wake up like on time . woke up at 6 , then slept woke up at 7 , then wanted to showr and all , but continued to crash -.- . so finally woke up at 8 and my mum had already left so i figured i'd just stay at home rather than go to sentosa myself . hey it's a long way by public transport okay . ROFL . so yah , now just stuck at home . and i really can't adjust to this new haircut . it feels weird -.- . i can't like twist my hair round my fingers cause it's so friggin' short . and michelle and paula , you'll so didn't help when you said i looked weird
okay . i can't go back to school on tuesday like that ! -.- . i'd rather hang out at sentosa (: . yah , i'd go roller blading then ride bicycle then go swimming and later go to the flying trapeze . YAY (: . oh then i'll go disturb the life guards at the pool . and iceman , goofy and whoever's at the trapeze . see , sentosa's so much funner then homework . and everything's free o.o , for me anyways X: . exept the ice cream cart outside the luge . yah , that's not free . you have to pay for the ice cream X: . 'cause the people at the ice cream cart don't work for rasa sentosa -.- . ah damn . that's why i need to pay for the ice cream . ah i'm going broke D: . 'cause i eat so much ice cream . and that's why i'm so fat too . lol . yah and i think my dad's back from bali .. i think that's where he went . he's like always going on business trips . wth lor . i wish he didn't get promoted to like the gm of the hotel . i know that's bad but i mean like now every other week he's like flying off to some other country and my sis and i can't spend the weekend with him . but yah at least he accomplished his dream i think . and he's not so stressed ? aiya how i know . like last time when he was the resident manager of both hotels he was like coming home at like . 5 am . wth lah , no time for me or my sis . oh whatever . and he like won't buy me that laptop . the lenovo limited edition laptop . the winnie the pooh de . rofl . like $2599 D: . then he say too ex , so i chose another one with built in cam and plus all the microsoft stuff , only $1200+ . then he say also cannot . wtf lah , then he tell me he'll ask his assistent go find a cheap lappy for me then his assistent will call him/me . walao ): . he only spend his money on golf . so sad lah ): . then everytime go out with him , he'll be like want buy clothes ? then he'll like buy for my sister . then somemore buy all those like , $90 for a shirt or something . then say no money buy for me laptop . -.- . oh and my mum got this like new keychain attachted to her carkeys . so i was like very nice . then she say sheran gave to her . i was like i knew the brand . then i keep guess wrong lah . diaos . i was like , chanel ? wrong . gucci ? wrong -.- . then i was like . that brand you keep buy handbag . that one you buy for mama de as her birthday present . that one $1800+ that one ? -.- . then she was like . coach ? then i was like YAH . diao . then we went to buy shoes . well not we , my mum . she needed shoes for her like for her .. work . yah . so we went to like gucci . then tod's . then chanel . then coach . then some funny brand name . i forgot . then went tang and co . and she finally bought one pair . like 4 and a half inch . diaos . nice pair bah . but like $180+ . -,- . don't understand why my parents spend so much money on themselves but can't but me a friggin laptop . so bad lah .
everyoneeeee . please go HEREEEE . D: . thankyous ♥
xoxo 1:39 PM
yesterday was childrens day . diao . at first okay luh , but then the concert . bloody hell . the P3s sitting in front of us . keep kneeling or standing up then the P6s keep shouting at them ask them sit down . walao lah . then i keep shout lor . and michelle and paula and jollyn was like tessa calm down . -.- . then lao shi was performing . they fuckings asses bloody hell stand up block me . i sout till i cry -.- . and . i only cry when i'm angry when i'm super angry . =.- . stupid lah . i want see my lao shi lor go block me . then went home mum ask me shower then immediately go shunji matsuo cut hair . i smsed michelle said i was at shunji matsuo . then she was like . how's the sushi . -.- . i was like it's a hai saloon ? she said oh you mean just now we talking bout that one . ROFL . AND NOW . i look .. different . michelle and paula said i loocked weird . cause the lady gave me a bob cut ): . it's like . my hair suddenly from long to uber short lah -.- . 'cause my mum said let the lady decide . so i was like okay lo -.- . today also went laoshi's house . michelle , paula , ada , janelle and denise also went . then at the end she gave us potato chips to eat (: . ahh laoshi so nice D: . and she's still using the wallpaper i sent to her . ;D . lol . and justina last night . at like 11+ suddenly sms me when i was sleeping ask me log in her blog help her change stuff before her mum sees D: . and i needed to wake up early 'cause going lao shi's house . argh D: . see justina . i'm so good right (: . bleh -.- .
xoxo 12:09 PM
childrens' day ! lol -.- . i know . whatever . but it's just so fun . and the food's going to be like .. free . D: . that so rocks lah . but i don't know what to wear . ): . and lao shi so totally rocks too . and ah ho . D: . omg i said ah ho rocks . but yah . lao shi gave us this good luck pen , one correction tape and oreo chocolate bar D: . then she had these improvement prizes thingies . so cute luh the pen (: . i think me , paula , val , joy , sarah and some other person got . lols (: . then lao shi was like . after psle can she take my zuo ye book . so i was like er okay . then she say give to me leh can ah . then i was like yah . then she say , she needed my book for research -.- , for like how i use english to improve my chinese so much in a short period of time or something like that . lol . and i just read finish pingg's book . so nice luh . but got one part like so sad . but then the endding so nice also . and now i need go find clothes to wear . or maybe i'll just go to school naked . er no , i'll find something D: .
xoxo 6:27 PM
today had remedial . -.- . then during class , lao shi was checking with us lian xi shi san which we had as a test . then we were at the last compre OE , then she say this quite hard , who score above 10 ( hey it's upon 15 okay ) so i raise my hand , paula too . plus joy and sarah and jingxuan and celestine . stupid paula beat me lah ): . she got like 12 . i got like 11 . ARH -.- . stupid paula your chinese so good le no need go remedial liao . then laoshi went on with her lecture . she was like , see , joy , sarah , jingxuan and celestine is beggining of the year already good in chinese . but you see people like tessa and paula , their chinese actually very bad but why they can score ? -.= , then we went for break (: . BUTBUT FOR THE FIRST COMPRE OE I BEAT PAULAA . YAY ! she got like 11 or 12/15 . AND I GOT 14 (: . YAYYY . lol . then laoshi was like asking us to queue up , then michelle was like , laoshi ! laoshi ! then she point to me , this is pongg . then she point to ashley and this is pingg , and together , they are pinggpongg ! LOL -.- . then everyone laugh . so laoshi was like , you'll ah so close to PSLE still can laugh . very good . LOLS (: . then we were like walking and walking then suddenly laoshi stop , then oriana never see she bang into laoshi . LOL . -.- . then we were like running up the stairs so lao shi was like don't run wait you fall . so i was like , yah don't run up the stairs , wait you fall up the stairs ): . then class end liao ashley sent me home again (: . ILOVEEELAOSHI . she rocks so hard lah . ;D .
xoxo 4:34 PM
today really sucked . the first part anyway . first , my maid didn't wake us up on time , so we had to wake our mum up to send us to school . and she slept at 1+ last night , her birthday , because she had to finish all her work before her full day training the next day . so my mum like damn angry luh . then in the morning assembly , me and kaela went up and kaela said pledge . then the flag bearer who suppose hold the school flag was like .. sick or something . then she like vommited into her hand . so i like moved towards her then mrs tan came and took her down . then she look to me . you know how to hold the flag while she raises it ? i was like er yeah ? -.- !! . so i hold then just stand there . DIAO LAH . i'm not a flag bearer >:( . i'm only a person who says the pledge lah tell me suddenly to go help with the flag -.- . then mrs ho keep scold me lahhhh . what the fuck does she have against me huh ? everytime scold me for nothing lah . wtf . i get answer correct , method correct everything CORRECT she bloody hell go scold me .
TESSA YOU GET WRONG RIGHT ? WHY NEVER RAISE YOUR HAND I GOT CORRECT LAH MRS HO . bloody fuck lah . -.- . everytime only know how aim me . _l_ . then go recess , twinny was like . twinny you dedicate yesterday on muttons . then i was like yah . lol -.- . but stupid pingg and just sexy didn't hear ): . and eggtart was stoning -.- . lol . ANDANDD . PINGGANDPONGG HAVE OFFICIALY CREATED THEIR NEW BLOG . ( actually it was only pongg who made it 'cause pingg can't use the com ): ) GO
HEREEE to see our dumb thrawted comdedy -.- . if it's even considered comedy . LOL (: . OHOH , and go
HEREE too . (: . AND LINKY . ^^ . lol . PINGPONGSONG <3 (: .
xoxo 3:50 PM
this recess , mrs ho made us stay back to do this MCS paper . then she say better hurry go down before miss recess . then we say but we havn't do finish the MCS paper . so she'll be like , then hurry finish ! i need to mark . DIAO RIGHT ? -.- . so we missed the WHOLEEE recess . and when we returned we complained to ms lee and she gave us 10 mins to eat (: . MS LEE ROCKS OUR SOCKS (: .
xoxo 5:55 PM
was smsing eggtart yesterday . and someone . and was listening to the radio . and was in the notes part of my hp typing stuff . and when two of them smsed at the same time and i was tryping . no wonder my hp crashed -.- . LOL . anyways , eggtart said my poem was good so i should post it . but i think it sucks . anyways , i shall post the two poems for her D: .
happy birthdayit was meant to be your day .
for you to drown in laughter and joy ,
for me to see you as fine as a soldier toy .
i wished you well and also wealth ,
also hoping you're in the pink of health .
i waited a million hours ,
climbed a thousand story tower .
and why might i add i do all this ,
because all for you i'm willing to slit my wrists .
i'm waiting and waiting ,
just to go out with you dating .
no reason for this tingling feeling ,
or maybe it's just you ,
but i wonder why it's killing .
after all the countless days and nights ,
in anticipation ,
yes it bites .
i just want to stammer a happy birthday ,
and i love you now and also forever .see i told you it sucked . but thankyou eggtart D: . she said this one de intro nice ;cause i only let her see the intro . lols X: . and yes i was typing this when my hp crashed and i didn't save it so i had to retype -.- .
the saddest thingit used to be just me and you ,
exactly like those make believe fairy tales coming true .
we shared laughter and joy ,
sadness and despair .
but we had always pulled through ,
except this time you said we needed to cool .
i broke down and cried ,
then decided i would have died .
you said we needed to move on ,
tears flowed from dusk to dawn .
my life had revolved around you ,
that a fact so true .
living no longer had any meaning .
a hand reached out ,
i was thinking , was it you ?
i had been so blue .
but i was wrong ,
it was another grip oh so strong .
i looked up to an angel ,
and he smiled back reaching to cradle .
i willingly let him ,
and it felt too good .
his assuring grip ,
i think it was a tip .
my face in his hands cupped .
he eluded the feelings i used to experience with you ,
but his more true .
i was head over heels in love with him ,
and it wasn't just another borderline theme .
we had the most amazing time together ,
and i thought i had forgotten you forever .
but then my angel i saw ,
holding another girl's hand in our hangout mall .
i broke down and begged ,
but my angel dear and her just stepped on me , tred .
i couldn't believe this was happening .
my spirits dampening .
why couldn't i see it was a trap .
had my brain been tapped .
i was a hopeless disaster ,
then my mind wanders .
to those beautiful pictured memories made with you .
it hit me .
i had made a wrong decision ,
hopefully you too .
i roamed the streets ,
and didn't eat .
all because i yearned your face ,
like a treat .
a frown was turned upside down ,
i had found you safe and sound .
but hey what's that ,
your lips locked tight with someone like a fly trap .
two blows now ,
i really couldn't take it , how .
you turned to face me ,
i wanted to turn and flee .
but you grabbed me and said ,
we've moved on and now she's my date .
the floodgates opened ,
but i guess you really didn't care ,
i know that's just you being fair .
you said take care and good luck ,
i wanted to dash out infront of that oncoming truck .
but thanks to you ,
i finally understood ,
the saddest thing ever is loving someone ,
who used to love you .DDDD: . lol . i'll write your poem soon eggtart . ILY (: . and no i can't be a poet when i grow up D: .
today rocked . pingg& pongg , ashley and tessa , are going to make a bloggy . so you people better tagg & link ! or else >:( .
xoxo 3:41 PM
Your EQ is 133 |
 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
You Should Get a Rose Tattoo |
 Sexy and classic You are pure rock and roll. You party hard. So does your tattoo. |
You Are 18% Borderline |
 Your personality isn't borderline anything. You're happy, stable, content, together... ever consider being a therapist? |
You Should Play the Guitar |
 You're very independent - both in spirit and in the way you learn. You can teach yourself almost anything, even if it makes your fingers bleed.
You're not really the type to sit patiently through a music lesson - or do things by the book. It's more your style to master the fundamentals and see where they take you.
Highly creative and a bit eclectic, you need a wide range of music to play. You could emerge as a sensitive songwriter... or a manic rock star.
Your dominant personality characteristic: being rebellious
Your secondary personality characteristic: tenacity |
Your Hidden Talent |
 Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people. You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together. Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly. People crave your praise and complements. |
Your Makeup Look Is |
 Face Paint You have the talent (and beauty) to pull of this ornate look |
You Are 21 Years Old |
 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
bloody hell . -.- .
Your Vocabulary Score: A |
 Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary! You must be quite an erudite person. |
You are 87% Aquarius |
Your Slanguage Profile

Aussie Slang: 25%
British Slang: 25%
Prison Slang: 25%
Victorian Slang: 25%
Canadian Slang: 0%
New England Slang: 0%
Your Birth Month is January |
 You are a natural leader who is able to stand up when no one else can. Strong and powerful, you tend to overshadow those around you.
Your soul reflects: deep love, fascination with life, and a distinctive persona
Your gemstone: Garnet
Your flower: Snowdrop
Your colors: Black, dark red, and dark blue |
You Are 80% Open |
 You're a pretty open person - and you don't mind sharing the good, bad, and sometimes ugly. And while sometimes you do catch yourself blabbing on, you usually exhibit restraint. You're openness is quite refreshing, and it encourages other people to be open with you! |
Your Brain is Purple |
 Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense. Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself. |
Your Gemstone is Amber |
 Creative, happy, and logical. You shine in any intellectual endeavor |
You Are a Drama Queen (or King) |
 And the oscar goes to... you! You're all about overreacting and just plain acting. You see the world as your stage, and give a great performance.
And while you're friends may find you entertaining at times... Everyone's secretly hoping that you'll just chill a little. (But they'd never tell you - they fear your wrath!) |
You Are 20% Spoiled |
 You are definitely not spoiled. You've worked hard for what you have. Down to earth and grounded, you don't need a lot to make you happy. |
Your Mood Ring is Red |
 Excited Energized Adventurous Ready to go |
You Are In a Good Mood |
 Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy.
While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective.
And it seems like things are looking up for you! |
You Are Raspberry Chocolate Lip Gloss |
 You tend to approach life as a fun game - being playful at every turn. You're a flirt with flair, and your the type most likely to surprise your date.
But you're popularity doesn't stop with guys... you've got a great group of girlfriends too! You're fresh, aggressive, and more than a little sassy. The tangy taste of raspberry and watermelon goes great on your lips. |
Your Emoticon is Cool |
 You're not feeling particularly up or down, just relaxed and calm. You're ready for whatever is going to happen next! |
xoxo 3:42 PM
we were in the lift . yesterday rasa sentosa resort had a mid autum festival so we had to go . then my sister wore a t shirt and a pants . then my mum asked my sis . are you a tomboy ? my sis was like no why . then my mum say 'cause you everytime were shorts . LOL . then my mum ask . you like boys or girls ? then my sister was like girls . HAHAHAHAHAH -.- . then she was like nono ! i havn't reach that stage yet . diao . then on friday i was suppose to cut my hair . but then the stupid hairdresser was full that day . saturday also . sunday she off . monday als fully booked . bloody fuck lah . i waited like 3 wks for this haircut liao lor . on one saturday suppose cut . then she full . next sunday suppose cut but she off . then that friday suppose go but also can't . wth lah . stupid shunji matsuo hairdressing shop . everytime so full de . hmppf . cut hair also so ex . _l_ . everytime i ask my mum book i don't think she did . actually she tried calling but couldn't get through . urgh . and 2 science papers 1 math paper 3 english papers 1 chinese paper and zhi shi bao to do for homework today -.- . BYEE PEOPLE . D: .
xoxo 3:32 PM
solleh anitsuj . yadot dluoc emoc ym esuoh tub neht reven ): . esuac ym mum ? dna syelhsa dad dehctef reh emoh yadot . dna reh dad snwo na evisnepxe rac oot . i kniht . i tnod wonk . i reven ees . dna uoy yadot os dab hul . dna oal ihs evag su rehtona tset repap ! eid hul . won ew tog hsilgne , scitamehtam , ecneics dna esenihc tset repap sulp eht ihz ihs oab . syawyna , suoknaht rof gnipleh em htiw ym scitamehtam dna mi gnipleh eirehc htiw reh ecneics niaga . i wonk . ocsyhp namow thgir ? dna yelhsa tndluoc daer eht sms i tnes ot reh . ruo egaugnal skcor ! tub hroh ebyam ew dluoc etaerc eno egaugnal ylno ew wonk . neht llti eb os looc . ew dnes srettel neht rehcaet teg , tub yeht tnac neven daer hul .rebmemer eirehc peek gniksa tahw si elohssa ? AHAHAHAHAHAHA (: . neht enexam osla / neht tahw fi ew etirw rehto selpoep hpargotua koob . neht yeht tonnac daer oot . llew kcor ekil kcuf . LOL . ees . tneillirb , taerg elpeop kniht ekila dna staht em dna uoy :D . dna i tnac eveileb eh llits tnvah ylper ym sms ro sruoy . tub fi eh deilper uoy , duoy llet em thgir ? i wonk uoy lliw . thgir ? reverofuoyevoli dna reve . dna on seno annog egnahc taht . <333 (: .
xoxo 3:09 PM
urgh , homework list for today .
three science testpapers .
finish english testpaper section B .
math testpaper .
chinese da mu zhi .
lol . i'm going to drown in testpapers everyday like how my pet fish drowned in its fishtank D: . wait i'm not making any sense . SEE WHAT TESTPAPERS ARE DOING TO ME ! . oh gosh . today had to stay back for supp class . then ms lee had to leave early for something so the rest of the time we had to do either the english section B or science testpapers . so pingg ( ashley ) lent me her compre OE 'cause i didn't do finish that part yet . then cherry was like . why you copy so slow . then i was like , 'cause i actually read the questions and rephrase ashley's answers ? i don't copy blindy like you . LOL . then i do liao cherry take my paper to copy . and while i was doing english ashley took my science paper and copy also . then it was time for break . ashley was like can i take your paper home ? i said okay then cherry was like but i'm suppose to take it home . so i was like aiya -.- . then took ashley's science paper plus mine and started copying all for her . then ashley was like but your handwriting different from mine . then i was like our handwritings both look the same lah . LOL . then copy copy copy then go eat . oh yah . was doing the new science testpaper then cherry was like . help me do . so i help her . then time to go home . D: . so now i'm like doing my science testpaper and cherry's . and paula's suppose to call me back so she can help me with question 15 . LOL . -.- . i know i'm dumb . and the third science testpaper is justina's (: . LOL . she's helping me do my math mcq -.- . never learn from us . we are naughty people X: . then this morning clare batchelor was like . tessa , you know the purple colour pencil case ?
yeah well it belongs to a P3 and now her mother is in the general office waiting for the pencil case . =.- . i think it was yesterday yesterday . mrs chee passed me this purple colour pencil case and said it belonged to a P6 . so i pass to ms lee then she ask us to pass round the class if it's any of ours . then none of ours . so ms lee ask justina to pass to daisy . and so on so forth pass to most of the classes . diao . and pingg sent me home today (: . we were walking with che . then i walk out of the side gate with pingg then i was like why che suddenly disappear . actually she was standing inside the gates . argh -.- . so i stood outside and my nuer was like sitting on the floor . then she suddenly tug my pinafole . then i was like oh hello i didn't know you were sitting there . ;l . then she gave me this sour thingie to eat D: . then i thought i saw pingg's mum's car . so i called pingg and she said ohh it is . LOL . so we went in and then she sent me home (: . THANKYOUS PINGG . ILY MY DUMBEEEEEEEERE . ;l .
xoxo 4:52 PM
argh . i was like logged on my msn in twinny's laptop . then went outside to see her play audi at the outside computer . then i played a few rounds . then after that she went into the room . and was like . tessa you msn got people talk to you . ARGHHH . justina and another person talked to me . and he's like in china now . you know how hard it is for him to come online 'cause he's like studying at whatever university doing accounting or something . URGHH . and he like talked to me . and i was busy playing audition . screw me . -.- . i just don't wanna do anything now . LOL . why i'm so fucked up . i missed a long distance friend's msn chat . -.- . die die .
xoxo 3:02 PM
today after we came out of the taxi , me and twinny needed to cross the road . so then she pulled me onto the road i was like noo . then this lorry was like coming and a car after it . then i pulled her to the side . then i was like you blind or what . LOL . -.- . then the taxi came on that side of the road . LOL . twinny can't cross roads ): . and her bro just came back from school . then twinny was like HELLO . then i was like HELLO . 'cause i'm in twinny's room . so then he was like . tessa ah ? LOL . then i was like yah . he say i come so many times can recognise my voice le (: . seeee . lol . and i smsed feng again . he still don't know i'm the one smsing him from twinny's phone and not twinny herself . LOL X: . oh gosh i'm so evil lah ): . ANYWAYS . i'm gonna enjoy myself now (: . BYEEE
SUCKERS GREAT PEOPLE (: . ( you owe me presents ) .
xoxo 2:16 PM
Your Luck Quotient: 84% |
 You have an extremely high luck quotient. Not only do you consider yourself lucky, probably everyone you know does too. But you're smart enough to know that you've mostly made your own luck. By being positive, open, and flexible, a lot of luck has come your way! |
see justina (: .
You Are 26% Angry |
 You're occasionally angry, but it's really not an issue. While you may give in to your temper once and a while, you're pretty mellow. And as long as your anger doesn't effect your relationships, then it's probably in check. You know that anger is a bad habit - and you don't engage in it often. |
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
You Are 63% Tortured Genius |
 You are smart. Brilliant in fact. And while it's a blessing, it's also a curse. Your head is filled with everything - grand ideas, insufferable worries, and a good deal of angst. |
You Are an "It Girl" |
 You're outgoing, friendly, and charismatic. You are aware of your image, and you are constantly improving yourself. You're definitely the type of girl people love to be around! |
-.- .
You Are a Skin Deep Sweetheart |
 You may be supermodel gorgeous or a plain Jane. It really doesn't matter, because you're confident and secure. You don't go out looking like a slob, but you are low maintenance. You have better things to worry about than whether your nails are the right shade! |
Your Fashion Style is Urban |
 You've got a style all your own... and it works Not too trendy, not too freaky - you've got streetwear down to a science You always look cute and put together, but keep it comfortable too You're the type of girl that creates trends and inspires others to be funky |
Your Inner Color is Blue |
 Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.
You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.
Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor. |
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent |
 Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. |
Your Love Quote |
 You can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it. |
xoxo 6:08 PM
sorry justina . you reply my sms too slow . so here it is xO .
justina's love songhey ******* ! this song for you yo .
ohh ******* .
when you're gone ,
the pieces of my heart are missing you .
don't leave me ,
or jon or zhao qi or xue ming .
or maybe you can leave jon lah ,
BUT don't leave me !
i'll miss your *** ,
the juicy and soft details too .
and please ,
oh please ,
don't ever gay again .
'cause you'll make me envious .
or even jealous !
i know jon's and zhao qi's **** are addictive ,
but i'll let you touch mine
ohh ******* .
when you're gone ,
the *** i've always stared at is missing too .
ohh ******* ,
do you know how much i need your ****
don't go for plastic surgery ,
'cause then your ****'ll be hard .
how am i suppose to enjoy *** with you then .sorry justina ): . you can post that fishy wind song too . i don't care -.- .
PERFECT . i'm sure *******'ll love it the minute you sing it . LOL . so justina remember , when you go out to watch movies together .
must sing this before you'll enter the cinema yah (: . or when you sit next to him also can xD . LOL . oh . /& BYEBYEE ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD . MY UNTIMELY DEATH HAS LIKE UNTIMELY COME ! . D: .
xoxo 5:58 PM
today we had to go for chinese remedial . so then during our break , we went OUT of the canteen xO . then we sat on the mat . and then michelle suggested we played the peanut game . then we played till like very de late . then suddenly got this announcement saying "
chinese girls of P6 Hibiscus please go to class for your chinese remedial " LOL . D: . lao shi was like so angry . ): . then ashley and i started calling each other dumb . then she said dumbie and dumbee . so i said i wanna be dumbee . you be dumbie . then she was like . but i wanna be dumbee ! lol . so then it became dumbeee & dumbee . then dumbeeeree & dumbeere . finally dumbeeeeeeeere & dumbeeeeeeeeere . i'm with nine E (: . then we started talking like ping and pong on 98.7 i don't know why . so ashley was ping and i was pong D: . then we became pingg & pongg ! 'cause we tried with lower voices . but we just sounded uber retarted -.- . so ping & pong are still the rockiest D: . LOL . someone called me on my handphone . the person was like .
hello . did you order mcdonalds ? no
are you tessa ? yeahh .
well , you ordered 2 mc chickens , 2 cokes and 2 large fries . that'll be a total of $3.90 please huh . i didn't order mcdonalds -.- .
just bring my book tomorrow lah ! LOL . seeteng called -.- . 'cause i didn't return her her autograph book yet D: . HAVN'T DO FINISH LAHHH ): . but you don't need to call me and say i ordered mcdonalds okayyyy -.= . ROFLL . anyways , back to ping and pong xP . err . nothing else . D: .
xoxo 5:48 PM
today got new test paper again . now everyday only got test paper as homework . yesterday ah ho gave us this test paper also . ask us do the
wholeeee thing . then i don't know some question anyhow guess also correct xPP . justina was like so what lah . she kept being like so frustrated 'cause whatever i guessed all correct :DDDD . lol . then ms imelda went through the science test paper . stupid lahhhh . clever paula got like 97 1/2 /100 . ): . why she have to be so smart . then michelle got 91 1/2 /100 . YAYYYY . I BEAT MICHELLEEEE (: . i got like 92/100 . LOLS . HEYHEY . I BEAT HER BY
HALFFF MARK OKAY . that can make you fail or pass when they round it up ^^ . lol . and ms lee gave us this P5 test paper to do . urgh -.- . somemoree is english P5 test paper . if i don't get full marks for the section A &B i'm gonna zi sha xD . stupid paula again so cleverr . why your english so pro also ): . only thing i beat you in is the /71 de paper . -.- . stupid sia the comprehention cloze . is
amber light . and i put REDDD ! -.- . see lahh one mark wasted . if not can full marks liao ): . stupid comprehention clozes . why cannot like prelim de so easy . must make until so hard . >=[ . i wish all exam like P1 standered . then everyonee can pass ;l . like very well . AND JUSTINAA HAS A SONG SPECIALLY FOR JM . see justina it's not my fault . you started the stupid fishy wind thingie . that's why . HMPF ): . i'll post the song
HEREEEEEE . and then justina'll kill me ): . GOODBYEE FELLOW NICE PEOPLE . I'LL MISS YOUUUU .
xoxo 5:18 PM
yesterday went to NTUC . so when we were going home , we needed to like go down two travelators . then this teenager with a moustage was like standing in front of me . so then he keep looking back . at my legs . i was like . want to punch him lah . but then i was carrying like the bags . so yah . 'cause i was wearing a short shorts -.- . stupid asshole . i only got fats at my legs lah xP . YER . STUPID JUSTINA DON'T CURSEEE MEEE . I DON'T WANT STRANGERS LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT . WHY EVERYTHING YOU SAY COMING TRUE . ): . DON'T HARM MEEEEEE ! ): . lol . then tonight there's this show 'bout a super genious . then i tell my mummy . i want to be smart too ! then she say what if you had to give up something to be super smart . then i said . i'll give up my fats (: . lols . then when we were walking around J8 , my mum ask us whether got anything else we want to buy . then vanessa said she wanted oleh oleh . then my mum was like what . then she said , you know the green ball inside got brown brown thingie then ouside got white coconut ? then my mum was like dumbfounded for awhile . then she started laughing . you mean odeh odeh (or however you spell it) ? then my sis was like yah . LOL -.- . and today ms lee went through this english test paper she gave us , but only till the synthesis and the synthesis only like three questions . wth . so total was upon 71 . it was like so easy lah -.- . then ms lee was like PSLE is no where near this . so sad . 'cause i scored 70 (: . HAH PAULA ! i told you it was grevious HURT not injuries -.- . LOLS (: . then lao shi returned us our test papers . and i got like 32 1/2 / 40 for the dui hua and 2 compre OE . quite okay lah X: . and paula asked me to help her do the page 28 &29 de comprehention OE in the chinese PSLE booklet . so i was like okay . then i do do do on the foolscap paper . then after i just do finish paula call me and was like , tessa you no need do liao . i was like . WTF LAHH . I DO LIAO THEN TELL ME NO NEED . ;l . then she said she found her PSLE booklet and the answers inside . then i was like you wrote on the paper liao . she say never . so i say okay good just use the paper i wrote on . then she say okay /: . heng larh -.= . then in class che ask me help her finish her chinese compre OE then lao shi saw me then she say you copy is it ? (..") !! . then i was like no . -.- . urghs . and ashley gave me a ride home today . THANKYOUS MEI (: . and ashley is like rich okay justina , not ME . ASHLEYYYY . her mum drives a BMW okay . and ashley was like . we found it on the road . yah right . then everyone would have a BMW by now . lol . and justina , not
everything in my house is imported from somewhere else in world okay . just a few things (: . ( yah like you'd belive , but i tried my best . ) .
xoxo 6:29 PM
justina's at my house now ;D . and she's sitting next to me eating my strawberry sour squeeze candy drink . and it's like finish . 'cause she's a
freeloader ! . she said so herself . and she says she's so fucked up now . i don't know why . and now's she scolding me 'cause of some dumb reason . ): . so evil horh she . and she just went hey hey -.- .
heyas friggin people! at tesss'a house now, ltr need to go cath luh! stupid jon, i like jm also not his problem right?! argg! i shall copy this post && post it on my blog (: haha! cos i posted it so i should be copying it && putting it on my BLOG! (: hehe :D well, we gonna eat lunch, talk play a lil then i go cath liaos! (: i think im somehow like going crazy. kimberly says that im BLINDED by LOVE dunno if true or not. but yes, even today during chinese supp, i was thinking of HIM ok! i was thinking of jm in class, so i decided to msg zhao qi to ask him if jm was going today && he said yes, shit lahh i should have gone today! all cos i got chinese supp && stupid cath class where i have to see alex (cath teacher) i dont really like him lahh! && jenna (she's nice :DDD) well, what can i do? all i can do is follow orders according to my parents :((( but ILOVEJM (:TESSA HERE . i told you justina was a freeloader ! that's why she's having FREE lunch at my house . and using MY ez link card to take bus//MRT . and today's chinese supp was fun too ;l . and i was so good to lend justina my handphone to sms zhao qi when her hp DIED . xP . and later i'm gonna send her to the bus stop too . ;DDDD . so what's the conclusion ? JUSTINA'S A FREELOADER AND I'M THE BESTEST SEXIEST PERSON EVER i know it's so true ;D .JUSTINAA --> even though i'm a freeloader, i'm a SEXY freeloader okay!TESSA --> whatever , you're still a freeloader okay . but a sexy one though . ARGH ANYWAYS . JUSTINA'S A SEXY FREELOADERRRRR !JUSTINA AGAIN :D
ohh && world! i got a very VERY VERY important announcement to you all! ahem... here goes (: dont regret listening//seeing//reading it! (:
xoxo 1:17 PM
Your Stress Level is: 51% |
 You are somewhat prone to stress, especially when life gets hard. When things are good, you resist stressing over little problems. But when things are difficult, you tend to freak out and find it hard to calm down. |
You Are Destined to Struggle With Your Weight |
 Like most people, you find it a little difficult to stay at at weight you're comfortable with. If you change a few habits and make food less important, you may find the struggle hardly exists anymore. |
Your Kiss is Red |
 You are intense about kissing but easily distracted. You kiss for attention, power, and passion. It doesn't take a lot for you to want to kiss someone. If you see a kissing opportunity, you always go for it!
Kissing Type: Kissaholic (admit it!)
People See Your Kisses as: Seductive
You Kiss Best With: An Orange Kisser
Stay away from: A Blue Kisser |
You Are 72% Open Minded |
 You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints. But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line. You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. |
Your Depression Level: 68% |
 You seem to have moderate depression. Your symptoms are bad enough that they're effecting your everyday life. You would benefit greatly from professional help. |
You Are a Little Addicted to Gossip |
 In your view, most gossip is pretty harmless. And it's a pretty fun way to pass the time! You're willing to pass on some juicy details... As long as you're not impacting anyone's personal life too deeply. |
You Sometimes Don't Get Enough Sleep |
 You're often more tired than you'd like, and you're probably not getting enough quality sleep. Sleeping a little more could make you a lot more energetic and happy. Try having a bedtime, keep your bedroom cool, and only eat fruit before bed. |
Your Psyche is Yellow |
 You have a ton of energy - both physical and mental endurance. You are rational and logical, and you can help almost anyone think clearly. Optimistic and bright, you also have a secret side that's a little darker.
When you are too yellow: You will do anything to get your way, and no one will be the wiser
When you don't have enough yellow: you lack confidence, drive, and humor |
You Are 29% Scary |
 You scare men off ocassionaly, but only very weak men. You're a normal woman. You're not perfect, but you're pretty darn close. |
xoxo 3:43 PM
it was 6.02 am and sexy justina smsed me . -.- .woke me up ): . so i slept for like another 2 mins then reply her . get ready stuff then gonna go out my cousin smsed me . he was good luck for your listening yah . then i hurry reply you too . then rush out the door ;l . when reached school saw michy and kathleen and seeteng and ashley . then my eye was like pain 'cause i thought something there . then seeteng was like , you put your contacts in wrongly ? then i say i don't know so she follow me to the toilet go check . then i took it our then i put it in then my eye started watering and then turn red D: . so take out and mess with it again then put in . this time correct side -.- . then went back hall , justina came . then we played this guess the song game . so michy will sing something then we'll guess . lol . then twinny came . she fell down the stairs yesterday 'cause some idiot was running and pushed her down ): . so she's going to have an x - ray today . get well soon twinny ! ;D . so then the teachers came in and asked us to sit in our rows . then the laoshi in charge of my team was like asking me to help her with the attendance D: . so then help help help then go to the rooms . the first invigilator so scary . her eyes like very big then she never blink . so when look at me so scary -.=" . then later the invigilators ask me line the girls up and bring them for recess . but then everyone never line up so we just follow the invigilator X: . then during recess we sat at the round tables . but then we joined three tables 'cause no space X: . then the tables all diff height so it was high class , middle class and low class . diaos (..") . then went back , the person who took us up to class had to frisk us before we went in . then keep touch our butts . so justina was like eww -.-" . but i know she secretly wished that it was *coughs* that was touching her . LOL . X: . and justina's dreams are soooooo interesting . three dreams in one night . lol =.-" . then after everything i stood at the porch waiting for my bus uncle to fetch me home . stood there for like half an hour D: . then he came . one damn big bus and only fetching me . YAYY ;D . stupid uncle so crap . /: .
xoxo 1:06 PM
justina's post :
tessa's a sexayye babe! <333
ok, as of today tessa is a sexayye babe! yes it's true! LOL. we had so muchh fun today! (: after ah ho's supp, me && tessa went to macs to eat && we were talking about guys ok?! && then tessa like passed the horny disease to me! then i became horny! LOL. dont ask its a long long long story! (: tessa paid for like EVERYTHING, by the way thanks tessa, she ordered 2 apple pies && a huge ice lemon tea && fries! :D so i asked the lady for curry sauce && she gave me caramel sauce && im like what?! ok? so we sat down && i tried the fries with caramel sauce && it tasted nice but so WRONG mann! && then tessa tried it! && we both agreed it was nice but it was so so so WRONG! so i went to the counter again && asked a different lady for curry sauce && yeah! correct one! LOL. after we eat finish, tessa treated again! she bought a chocolate sundae(: yum yum && i got a oreo mcflurry! WOOTS^^ niceee but its the fattest ice-cream ever! thats what it said on the menu thingy? i think?! then we went to galleria, cos tessa didnt know where it was. We walked around abit, then we left && sat near the steps to the MRT. Then we talked about C & J... omg lahh! then suddenly we saw this guy walk past us && tessa was like it looked like C. So she was like let's see if its him lehh! so i put my letter to APPLE ASHLEY LAMEEE MEI<333 in my file && we looked around for the guy. && then wew saw him && tessa was like NO. then im like i thought it was C mann! omg lahh! then sexayye tessa's bus came && she left me so i took mrt && bus home. (:
ohh, after ms lee's supp, we went for break then we were talking about fishy wind && i did a crazy dance && i trademark it! LOL. fishy fishy wind wind! (: lol. damn funny lahh the dance. && tessa's like dont tell them (ashley, shermaine && cherie) what it means ok? jus!? or else i kill you! then she was like fishy wind means my sexayye ass! && thats where the sexyness started from! ME!? :D lol. then we went back to class && joy kept asking stupid questions so tessa kept replying her in a sexayye way! && it was soo funny && i laugh until i cried i think! lol lahhs. sooo funny.
ok sexy people, sexayye justina's gotta run! (:
byeee sexayye people!
lol sorry sexayye babe i just had to post your post 'cause it's so funny ;D . i had so much fun with you sexayye . HA ;D . remember joy's most dumbest question ? she was like . " what are you guys so sexually addicted to ? " then of course our answer is " of course sex lah why do you think it's called
sexually . " lol . -.- . and remember , joy was like i fucked with someone ;D . then you were shouting to the class . joy TOOT . ;D . lols . but that's what makes her abit sexayye . but she's nothing compared to just sexayye justina and too sexy tessa ;DD . ROFL . /&it's not your hormones justina sexayye , it's me ;D . you should thank me for being your most horniest sexayyest babe EVER . lols .
/& as usual it's all because of you i'm sexy today ;D
xoxo 8:25 PM
lols . justina's probably on the MRT now going home D: . during the break during supp class , stupid justina keep poking my stomach and made me fall down ): . then poke somemore ! T.T . lucky this time i never fall down . my ass pain lah . dumbass justina . i fall never help me get up >=[ . after ah ho's supplementary today , we went to toa payoh central D: . then we went to mcdonalds . i ordered one large ice lemon tea , two apple pies and one medium fries . then justina came up and ask the lady for curry sauce . then i think the lady heard wrongly and gave us caramel sauce -.- . she probably thought we were mad . fries with caramel sauce -.= . so then justina tried it . then i did . tasted quite good actually . but was just
so wrong so she went to the counter and asked a diff lady for curry sauce ;l . diaos lah . and then we were like sitting down and talking about someone who's like damn irritating . then after that we bought ice cream . well actually i bought 'cause justina has no money D: . then eat liao we went to the galleria . so high tech lah . ;l . then we sat the steps of staircase leading to the MRT . stupid justina blame me for making her horny ): . YES I KNOW JUSTINA . you are so something something something with someone . ;D . then suddenly someone walked up the steps and i was ohmygosh . then she was like what . i say stop writing your letter follow they guy /: . then saw the guy liao i was heng -.- . and justina's just to modest to admit that she's sexy . 'cause she has a super sexy ass ;D . and that's reserved for someone ;D . and justina keep thinking of him . /& it's not MY fault that i talked about something that made you keep thinking of him OKAY . ;D . and stupid joy in class ask dumb questions . and stupid justina in class whatever i say you also keep laugh and laugh . so evil larh you people ): . and to cherie and ashley and shermaine , fishy wind means my tight sexy ass . or justina's more sexy ass . so don't ask already ;D . and no you can't kiss her ass . ;l . and justina stop doing that dumb dance and never ever tell them the real meaning 'bout fishy wind . or else . but it's better not to know ;l . 'cause it's not sexy enough . and stupid twinny just remember what he replied okaye .
xoxo 5:31 PM
went to twinny's house today ;l . uber fun (: . but the stupid audition got patch . suppose finish at 2.30 then we try at 4 still cannot .
aoaihfowihv . so then i got sms /: . so reply lo . then i use twinny's phone sms someone ;D . so then her phone in my left hand my phone in my right D: . keep replying sms . like siao de . so many X: . i blurred . and bloody hell justina . lucky you send that sms to me and not that other person . -.- . then twinny and i called someone from her handphone /: . then we didn't say anything . so the person keep say hello hello ? LOL X: . we are evil people . 'cause she didn't want to talk ): . then the person called back ;l . so i was like . twinny you answer lah . she don't want ): . so i answer then put loud speaker . so then i talk for her . and the person didn't know it was me . LOL . ;l heng . and her brother brought two friends home . and one of them used the other computer outside ): . not fair lah T_______t . so then i went home . and the taxi driver was like , you sec 3 isid ? then i was like no , i'm p6 . then he said i very high -.- , very tall . then i was like thankyou . then he asked , your friend ? i say same also . then he say your friend quite big horh . LOL twinny . he's looking at your boobs . ROFL . then he keep stare at me from the mirror . then he started talking 'bout his son . who's like 15 . -.- . then ask 'bout me then will compare with his son . wth lah ;l . then when i want to go out liao , the taxi fare was like $8.70 but he was like aiya you so pretty charge you $8 lah . WTH -.- . then i was er thankyou . then he said take care ah ! then i was okay you too . then i go he move his taxi to where i was walking then i look back he smiled and wave . i siam lo into the lift -.- . i'm coming to believe what justina said is true .
complete strangers are falling in love with me and stalking me . -.- oh wells . someone's not replying my sms . ): . i scared him off . didn't i . D: . i'm sorrys . T______t .
xoxo 5:49 PM
this morning was freakingly cold D: . it rained and rained . and before the bell rang , kaela and i went down to bring out the flags 'cause we were having assembly in the hall . and 'cause we're just back from holidays , no one actually put the flags into the poles yet . so justina and jingwei were trying to put the flags on . and the bell rang D: . so ms lee started saying something while we rushed both the flagpoles out . but we didn't tie the school flag up propely so it kinda drooped down . and when i brought it out , mrs morrier was like . tessa the flag is coming down . so i was like yeah i know but ms koh say nevermind . so i went to the side of the stage were justina said let's use scotchtape . so we both took two long long pieces of scotchtape and waited for prayers to be over before we ran out and i tilted the pole abit so justina could stick the flag there . then i rushed to kaela's side before she said the command D: . then we had to take down the banner and remove the cloth from the trolley and burst all the balloons after assembly ended . and we had to push the trolley back to p2 hibiscus . and during math lesson mrs ho was like very angry with us . because the topical test she gave the day before was poorly done . and she spent like 10 mins scolding us 'bout that . but i passed ;D . 31/50 . LOLS . then during chinese remedial laoshi arrangeds our tables in a rectangle . so we had our lessons like that .
uberrr fun ! and twinny gave me a taxi ride home ;D . and i'm going to her house tomorrow . before i go to her house i'm gonna eat my lunch at the coffee shop . sponsered by her of course (: .
xoxo 4:59 PM
TWINNY . first of all you reply my smses damned slow D: . AND , you still owe me an explanation . is it
that character ? or another one . how'd i know . he has
uber many noob characters . oh and eww the radio is playing
i will survive and damn they censored the fuck word D: . anyways , if he's crushing on you . and going all mushy and stuff then if you like him back just go for it /: . i don't mind really . and you're so
NOT two - timing . i thought you hated hermit -.- . but since you sorta like him too (?) then made a choice babe . i mean likeeeee . i can arrange for you and _______ to go out some saturday or whatever but i so can't arrange for you and hermit -.- . and since when was he away to
australia ? i thought you told me
new zealand ! .____________. . neverminds . oo bloody radio talking 'bout
attending your ex's wedding YER . oh sorry -.- . and i'm so hating him now . and last time we three were so tight . so maybe after me it's you ? ohmygosh -.- . and where does hermit live anyways ? you never told me -.= . and when i get back my audi/maple , i'm so going into audi to see you again . ;D . you lah in school never tell me in detail , then sms you don't want replyy . gonna make me OLDDD . T______t .
IF YOU LOVE HIM , JUST GO FOR IT . I'M SERIOUSLY OKAY WITH IT . ILY TWINNY :D . /&no one's gonna love you as much as i do ♥ . .
xoxo 6:05 PM
laoshi is back from
taiwan ! ;DDDD . and in case any of you don't know why she went , it's because her husband , who's a professor teaching at a university in taiwan , is very very sick and needs an operation , and since he's all alone in taiwan , laoshi needs to pei her laogong D: . lol . and before the holiday , we handed in our lian xi ba to her , and she brought our papers all the way to taiwan , to the hospital in taiwan and back ! ;D . isn't that so cool . hahaha . and she told us today that her hubby is fineee . ;P . thats good . and PSLE listening is
THIS FRIDAY . and to all the blur sotongs who keep seeing dates wrongly e.g. JUSTINA , this is a kind reminder ;D . LOL . joking justina . but really . X: .
xoxo 5:57 PM
sep holidays are overrr . ): . so today had to go to school . and in the morning i was like where's my english PSLE booklet then i went all over the place trying to find it . one minute before i'm suppose to go down to wait for the school bus , i finally realised that ms lee collected our PSLE booklets . ARGH -.- . so i didn't have time to make my tuna sandwich . so sad . then in the morning , i went for duty then say rae already there ;D . so we had to play that horrible mozart music mdm lim gave us . IT'S FRIGGIN'
EIGHTY FIVE MINUTES . and you can't control the volume 'cause the symphonies keep going loud soft loud soft . -.- . and you don't even know if it's the next track , 'cause they ALL SOUND THE SAMEE . argh . and maggie wore hard lenses to school today . so she made me go up with clare to say the pledge 'cause she kept saying her eyes were pain or something like that . i'm always bullied -.- . then ms koh called for a meeting . and she said that teachers' day was well done ;DD . so she's gonna throw us a prefects' party . YAY . well after the exams anyways . that's ONEE thing to look forward to (: . so went up to class . english lesson , then math . MRS HO CUTTED HER HAIR ;D . and she gave us a test .___. . she told us to have
fighting spirit , don't give up and
DO EVERY SUM . you scribble something also maybe can get half a mark . so we had to seperate our desks . then we do and do and do until recess and i still havn't do finish . justina also . and che and kimberly and kathleen . so justina and i were like rushing . then mrs ho was like nevermind lah just hand up . then justina and i were like . but mrs ho you ask us to do everything ! lols . then after school we had supp classes . mrs ho was trying to finish corrections while justina and i was doing the homework she gave us . bloody hell some sums so hard . then felecia went to change the mode on the visualiser to negative and the paper was like black and the words were bronze D: . then her fingers were bluee ! lol . so then i was like working on two angle sums which justina & i couldn't do that time . so i do and do and do then finally got the answers to both ;D . then i shouted to justina who was standing at the visualiser . i got the answer ! then she said something like twice or what which i couldn't here . then she bloody hell go write
tessa help me write the answer on my paper on a piece of paper and flash it on the visualiser . JUSTINA YOU CRAZY WOMAN D: . lol . so then i found her paper underneath her desk and then wanted to write , mrs ho said we could go home -.- . so i rush lah scribble for her X: . sorry justina ! then on the bus , i saw celestina and kimberly in their school bus driving past me , so we waved ;D . and seeteng owes me $1.80 . vernice $5 . 10% interest per day okay ;D . lol . ^^ .
xoxo 3:38 PM
going out to see sheran today . she came back from china . and she's gettin' married like next week saturday . so maybb i can't attend chinese supp D: . depends what time . i forgot -.- . so later my mum told us to go out to meet sheran D: . then maybbe we'll go raffles place ;D . and sunny the hairdresser is not working today . means that we can't get a haircut today 'cause my mum only uses sunny . oh great . going to eat lunch now D: .
xoxo 12:19 PM
my stupid sister drank the
ONLYYY redbull in the fridge . urgh . i was waiting for my mum to mix it with vodka then we can drink it . urghhhh . but nooo my sister had to drink the redbull first . it soo tastes so much better with vodka . ribenna with vodka taste
awsomest too ;D . and rebull says
not recommended for children . lols . and my sister's crazy over Bleach . she's like at episode 86 . that's why she won't let me use the com . >=[ . so unfairrrr . and i'm gonna cut my hair SOON . suppose to be this week but my mum didn't have any time this week to bring me to cut my hair D: . ohoh . and we're going to shunji matsuo to cut our hair ;D . and my mum always gets the same hairdresser to cut both our hair so i always have to wait . but she cut's awsome hairstyles ;D .
xoxo 6:47 PM
i don't know why but ya . and sherry told me to post today cause if i dont post its a dead blog and when its dead i feel dead so dont let it be dead if not i will feel dead and make people feel dead . LOL . tomorrows
clements birthday . & i like so totally didn't give him his birthday present yet . and michelle scared the hell out of me when she said she saw someone called clements in sentosa . but it was clements
lim . urgh . -.- . and sherry just went offline in msn . oh now's she's back ;D . her sis pulled out the internet plug ? (: . AND I REPLIEDD your comment ashley darling . -.- . really , i did . i alwayyys reply comments D: . so that means YOU owe me a reply ashley D: . lols .
reply heree ;D . and thankyouuuus ;D .
xoxo 2:06 PM
sherry and i are officially in mental hospital .
because we are suffering from
xoxo 6:16 PM
sherry's gone D: . said she'll be back at 6.30 . arghs -.= . that means we can't chat on msn liao . sadddd . and didi's not replying me on msn either . why's everyone gone so silent D: .
xoxo 5:48 PM
we have officially talked on msn for
FOUR hours and
THIRTY plus mins ;D .
xoxo 5:22 PM
sherry kinda sprained her arm playing sudoku too with me on msn T_t .
hmm . then we played reversi . which she won . ARGH D: .
xoxo 4:49 PM
tessa says:
there was once a bus conductor .
sherry says:
tessa says:
he was very bad
sherry says:
tessa says:
everyone don't like he
tessa says:
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
-.- !
sherry says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
hellos ;D
sherry says:
ok continue
tessa says:
there was once a bad conductor . one day he closed the bus doors before an old lady could board and the old lady fell down and died so the bus conductor was sent to court the judge said you are sentanced to the electric chair !any final requests before you die ? the bus conductor said i want to eat fish and chips so they brought him fish and chips after he ate finish they turned on the switch and the bus conductor didn't die so the judge said mayb god doesn't want you to die so he got released then the bus conductor decided to turn over a new leaf and become a good bus conductor so one day while driving his bus got one old man wanted to board the bus then after he board the bus conductor suddenly jerked the old man fell and died
so the bus conductor went back to court and was sentanced to the electric chair once again what is your final request they ask him he said i want to eat chicken chop so he eat liao then they on the switch this time he died on the electric chair why did the bus conductor die this time but not the first time ?
sherry says:
i dono
tessa says:
tessa says:
guess guess ! ;D
tessa says:
brb my maid want make meatball sauce but don't know how
tessa says:
so i need teach her -.-
sherry says:
tessa says:
you guess first ;D
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
got the answer yet ?
sherry says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
givee up ? ;D
sherry says:
i REALLY dono
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
because at first he was a BAD conducter .
tessa says:
so he couldn't conduct the eletricity
tessa says:
but then he bacame a GOOD conducter
tessa says:
that's why he died ;D
tessa says:
cause it's an ELECTRIC chair
sherry says:
tessa says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
LOL . i know ;D
tessa says:
but it's funny right (:
sherry says:
poor sherry can't log in her blogger T___t .
wonder what's wrong .
but we'll just continue to chat on MSN meanwhile :D
xoxo 4:03 PM
sherry says:
ok now its joke time
sherry says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
welcome back
tessa says:
sherry says:
i have lots of jokes
sherry says:
tessa says:
okayye D: ...
sherry says:
sherry says:
There once was a young couple who lived in a town filled with crime. After three neighbors' houses had been robbed, the couple decided to get a guard dog.
So one day the wife went to the pet store and said, “I need a good guard dog.”
sherry says:
And the clerk replied, “Sorry, we're all sold out. All we have left is this little Scottie dog. But he knows karate.”
The wife didn't believe him so he said to the dog, "Karate that chair.”
sherry says:
The dog went up to the chair and broke it into pieces, then he said to the dog, “Karate that table.” The dog went up to the table and broke it in half.
SHERRY; just unbelievable/ says:
So the wife bought the dog and took it home to her husband who was expecting a big guard dog. But then she told her husband that it knew karate, and he said “Karate my ass!”
sherry says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
was it suppose to be funny ?
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
err . okayye .. HAHAHAHAH ? D:
sherry says:
the husband said karate my ass
tessa says:
ya i gettid
sherry says:
means the dog is gonna break his ass
tessa says:
but not that funny D:
sherry says:
sherry says:
other one
tessa says:
lol .
sherry says:
you say not funny then y u laughing
sherry says:
tessa says:
tessa says:
so evil
sherry says:
ok ok heres another one
tessa says:
tessa says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
i called ur boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
yess ;D
tessa says:
better then the other one
tessa says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
Two criminals are talking in a jail cell
"What are you in for?"
"Something I did NOT do!"
" Sooo... you're innocent? what did you not do?"
" I DIDN'T run fast enough!"
tessa says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
see, its good to search for jokes
tessa says:
sherry says:
cos it proves u r retarded
tessa says:
tessa says:
it proves YOUUU .
tessa says:
to be retarded
tessa says:
cause i don't search for jokes ;D .
sherry says:
no it proves YOU laugh for retarded jokes
tessa says:
i wait for people//retards like you to tell e them
sherry says:
cos YOU r reatrded
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
sherry says:
ok another one
sherry says:
you want to hear a dirty joke?
sherry says:
say yes
tessa says:
yes -.-
sherry says:
a white horse fell into the mud
sherry says:
isnt that so dirty?
tessa says:
sherry says:
HAHA ok im SO retarded
tessa says:
sherry says:
but thats the joke
tessa says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
sherry says:
tessa says:
and sherry just winked a pig at me and said it was me T__t .
how sad .
xoxo 3:31 PM
tessa says:
sherr says:
what u doing/
tessa says:
posting again .
tessa says:
i'm boredd too death
tessa says:
sherry says:
abt wat?
sherry says:
sherry says:
i know
tessa says:
sherry says:
i can tell
tessa says:
tessa says:
so genious
tessa says:
sherry says:
haha,like that oso genious meh?
tessa says:
tessa says:
for a retard that's very clever
tessa says:
sherry says:
sherry says:
im not a retard ok
tessa says:
tessa says:
yes you are !
sherry says:
*see . tessa
always wins ! :D
xoxo 3:18 PM
michelle's going to rasa sentosa
tonight . but i'm not going to be there . awww T________T . maybbe if tomorrow she's going there then i could go there too and hang out with her ;D . and i'll make her swim with me ;D . too bad i didn't go today . -.= . or else i could have seen her :D . oh wells . and end up sherry is in marissa jie's cath class on saturday . why am i always the last to know . -.- !
xoxo 3:14 PM
lol . my jie's boredd too . that's probably why she's asking me to look at sherman's exgirlfriend's
boyfriend's photos and see whether
sherman or sherman's exgirlfriend's boyfriend is cuter -.= . oh gosh .
*// scroll over their names to look at photos :DDD .
xoxo 3:01 PM
sherry asked me to do something . like
this so maybbe i'll go do it . andddd . i admit . we've finally reached a stage of boredness till we have to do this ? D:
xoxo 2:50 PM
so i finally logged in to talk to sherry D: .and we're still BOREDDD .stupid imeem .all the nice niceee songs are 30 second previews -.= .wth is that .AND ANDDD .i'm still bored .and sherry just went offline !uhhhhhhh .nevermind -.= .i'll just rot here :DD .
xoxo 2:41 PM
so singpost was kinda fun . when we reached there , got this man say . why they come here . got what to see ? . LOL -.- . so we walked in to this room . where there were chairs that could roll . and justina kept rolling to the back -.- . then the person who was talking 'bout the singpost was candice . she kept saying why you'll no responce . am i that boring . LOL . then for the first few slides she just kept clicking and clicking and pointing her laser pen . but then towards the middle , it became more fun :D . then we had a 15 minutes break . so candice brought the girls who wanted to make their own stamps down to make them and ms lee and mrs ng followed . so i was kinda bored 'cause i didn't want to make any . then most of them came back . and denise was sitting on a chair rolling round & round . then michelle and paula and me and joy started rolling her too . then michelle sat so we rolled her . then stupid joy go pull michelle's hair . so bad -.= . then i sat down . but i didn't want to go round and round so stupid michelle pushed me round the room . argh so evil . then we all sat in like two rows facing each other . michelle was like . want to play the peanut game . so justina was like yaya . then i was i don't know how to play -.- . so michelle and justina taught me . then justina felecia and i was in one group and paula michelle and ada was in the other . so we played for 'bout 5 mins . then ms lee came and asked . tell me how is this educational . then we just contiued playing . then ms lee was like after 30 seconds , go back to your places and rearranged the chairs to their original places . then michelle was like . now how do we entertain ourselves ? ms lee said well you just entertain yourself . by yourself -.- . diaos . so we just sat there . and lukily after 'bout 1 min or so candice came back ;DD . and we continued the slideshow . then there was a popquiz ;DDDD . lol . the prizes was , superman lunchbox ( which no one wanted but had to take cause the rest of the prizes ran out -.- ) , radio and stamps . justina got a stamp thingie and i took the radio ;D . next we went on a tour . we had to squeeze into the super small lift -.- . after that when we wanted to take the lift again , there was this old guy inside . and he was like from which school . candice said chij toa payoh . then he told us . don't call me uncle call me brother . -.= . so when he go out of the lift everyone was like bye byee brother . lols . then candice told us he was like one senior people or something . D: . then we went out of singpost and out into the hot hot sun . and ms lee wanted to take a picture . so everyone like didn't smile 'cause of the glare -.- . lol . then we went back to school . and went homeee ;D .and justina said my prawn thing tasted like chicken but also taste like prawn .-.= ?? .
xoxo 12:35 PM
later need go back school .AGAIN .to go to this singpost excursion thingie .and ashley said she couldn't fetch me home liao .awwww .so that means i need to take bus by myself .AGAIN .T_____________________t .
xoxo 11:49 AM
YESYES . i love sherry to bits that why this post is all 'bout HER :D . sherry is this super smart super pretty person . AND SUPER GREAT :D . even though i havn't seen her in YEARS . i'm SUREE she still looks as great as EVER . and she hasn't AGE AT ALL . unlike me -.- . and did i mention she's SUPER PRETTY ? well YES of course she is . and of course SUPERRR SMART . :DD . no one can beat her geniousness ! not even ginie didi :D . ( no offence di . you're still cleverER then me D: ) . and she has this SUPERB BODY even though after the few hundred thousand years we've been apart . i know she still has that perfect figure . like i said . SHE IS SUPER PRETTY . :D . and she's just the awsomeMEST . like when she taught me how to play neopets when i was P4 . hahahaha :D . see how TALENTED and and AMAZING she is ! (: . and she was such a pro at neopets ! :D . i could have NEVER beaten any of her high scores D: . but too bad neopets has changed so much now . it looks so ADVANCED D: . anyways . SHERRY IS ALSO SUPER SUPERLYY SUPERLYLYYYY GENIOUS AT EVERYTHING ! no one in the world can beat HER . :D . she's a goddess ! (: .oh and superlylyyy genious goddess sherry , YOU ROCK :D . thanks for everything back then (: .
xoxo 2:14 PM
had to go back to school today . T_____t .so evil they make us go back to school during HOLIDAYS .then it won't be a holiday lerr .but nevermind ;D .i got back my WHOLEE science paper today .and i thought i failed .BUT I PASSED (: .'cause i only got 18/40 -.- .i know my science sucks .then i was .shyt lah need 40 + marks to pass .cause i need to get above 58 -.- .then my OAS .I GOT 42 ;DDD .so heng -.- .justina got 42 too .she got 60/100 just like me ;D .clever che got 50/60 for OAS .and clever paula too T_____t .ms lee said that she'll give us back our composition and situation marks tomorrow .so evil .so now currently .i got 118.5/145 for paper 2 , listening and oral .justina got the same marks as me .AGAIN -.- .and clever paula scored 123.5/145 .and clever denise got higher then me too .so that puts justina and i third place -.- .justina jiayous ! ;D .and then in class ,justina was like trying to send me songs .so she took my hp .then suddenly she put on the table -.- !i was like .justina you siao arh .i don't want my hp kanna confiscated okayyes .lol -.- .AND .ah ho gave us snickers/mars bars .she said she wanted us to do better .but i think it's 'cause she won the most caring teacher .and wanted to thank us ?but she doesn't want to say it ?and ya .ah ho won .not laoshi .abit sad though .but i the look on ah ho's face when she won it .it was like so touching .but then today .when doing corrections for prelim paper .she keep aim me -.- .she was like .TESSA .YOU GOT THIS QUESTION WRONG RIGHT ?then i'll be like .I GOT 1 METHOD MARK !! .lol -.- .but i love ah ho anyways .even though sometimes i can't stand her .sorry ah ho -.- .and sorry mrs ho i failed my math prelim .but i'll work harder for psle ;D .and to lao shi .i hope your husband's okayyes .and that the operation went well .and i hope that he will have a speedy recovery ;D .we'll wait for you to come back from taiwan laoshi (: . i loveeeee the teachers of sixhibiscus ♥
xoxo 2:08 PM