hey hey . you okay mahh . say dizzy dizzy le . go drink water la ;D . no water go buy . don't want buy i don't force . (: . get well soon okay . see you online later ♥ .
VAL♥ . my spastic darlin' . don't like ♥♥♥ because of his pimples ah . roflzxzxzx . but but . you said he was . ♥♥♥♥ . (: . rofl . see ya in school tomorrow , love ! (: .
xoxo 6:01 PM

haha , cookies cooking . can see my reflection , but who cares . ;D . mum putting the cookie thingie unto the paper thingie . and there ! viola , the cookies on the paper . rofl . then left like . 9.45 mins . so go ;D . went to drink milk . and the table so dirty . so much flour . rofl ;D . and putting more cookies ! -.- , i know i'm so lamezxzx .
xoxo 9:05 PM
shermin's scolding me on msn now . hahaha . because i keep poking this stupid pimple ): . yay webcam ! -.- . roflllll . gonna watch mum bake cookies now ! ;D . later post pics yah ;D
xoxo 8:43 PM
stupid didi ain't want to light a candle . so we were like , fighting on msn . rofl .
playing with numbers . calculation 360 x 365 , 45 mil x 365 . wth , don't know what we doing , but didi cheats ! she uses a calculator i think , or else why she so fast , like . so much faster then meeeeeeee ): .
even the wrong words seem to ryhme stupid didi , so cheaterrrrrr ): . lols
xoxo 8:25 PM
BOREDDDD /♥ . -.- . can't believe thissss . omgzxzxzxzxzx -.x . something's so wrongggg . anywayyyys . tomorrow's the prefects' party ! ;D . looking forward to it . oh ,
NUER , YOU OWE ME MY FAREWELL GIFT YA lols . such a horrible mummy i am . ;D . that's why vicky disowned me . rofllll . aiya , still got my darling maggie ♥ . everymorning also see these two . for morning duty . head pain . hahaha . maggie will force me go say pledge de . 'cause she too lazy . lols . but vicky is i bully de . keke . force her put out the mic . when i last time use to do de , but too lazy . ask her do . wahahaha xD . but she understands . ;D . righhhhhhht ? lols . & i love ya . maggie nuer ♥ /& vicky ex-nuer ♥ . ROFL . now vicky happy horh . da jiee ! er jie ! rofl . megan is what ah . yi jie ? ROFL . forgot le -.- . opps . /x .
xoxo 7:56 PM

trying to sleep in class today . was damn damn damn tired . then val keep waking me up . lols . not really , but we took a pic . and my stupid bottle was blocking my faceeee . hahahaa . AHH . lols .
xoxo 7:49 PM

lols . i only took one pic at grad tea , not even at grad tea . in the bus . lols , was lazy to take lei D: .
xoxo 7:46 PM

just finished dinner . wu liao , so took pics of my food . full la , couldn't eat finish ): . i had a baby corn + mushroom + brocolli kebab ;D . lols . then i made this stupid face with the muchrooms and corn ♥ . then then . had soup , so i was cutting my tofu with the spoon . then look like got one face there , had a small nose but can't see because of the stupid light reflection . hahahaha . mum wants to make cookies ! D: . i wanna wait for someone to reach home , go online msn & chat with me . ♥ . well , depends on the person la ;D . ♥ food . lolzxzxzxzxzxzx .
xoxo 7:33 PM
everyone go
here okayy ;D . maxene made me go there . so i'm gonna force everyone elseeee ;D .
i know i'm
evil . but . xD .
xoxo 3:19 PM
sorry to someone . stupid mummy ask me go home ): . hope you enjoyed your lunch ;D . thanks for helping me switch off the system too . (: . still , i'm so so so so sorrrrry . my fault .
my faulttttt . but hope you enjoyed your lunchhhh ;D .
xoxo 3:15 PM
Hey, girl,
you know you drive me crazyone look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Cover up with makeup in the mirror
tell yourself, it's never gonna happen again
you cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequenceIf you wade around forever, you will surely drownI see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right againheed my lecture
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.Face down in the dirt, she said,
"This doesn't hurt", she said,
"I finally had enough."[x2]
One day she will tell you that she has had enoughit's coming round again.
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.[x2]
Face down in the dirt, she said,
"This doesn't hurt", she said,
"I finally had enough."underlined phrases . telling my dear
friends . if i was ever considered
one of yours .
loveED . but
not anymore
xoxo 10:39 PM
today was grad tea . then then . is like . quite fun la . sorry sorry , didn't mean to ignore you okay . just that got teacher la ): . sorry sorry . thank yous maxene , i'm okay . i'm sorry i cried . is just that . couldn't take it . er . nevermindd ;D . i love you maxene . lols ;D . then horh . got this disco thingie right . so then i was like , trying to get didi to dance . with twinny . then she don't want comeout of her seat . HEY ): . lols . then finally she came out . yayyy . then was like . standing near the stage , mrs bheem came and was like . hey hello ! then i was like hello mrs bheem (: . then she say , i thought you were dancing for your class . then i was like yeah , but i quitted . then she was like why ? then i was like , problems . then she was like , but i thought you can dance , you dance quite well too you know . then i was like , thank you . then she was like , hey come and dance la , later i dance with you . then i was like , okay (: . then later she really came and dance with my and paula for like , 2 songs ? ;D . mrs bheem rocks . nicest principal ever . haha . then later , when i was like stnding in twos , mrs bheem came to talk to me again . she was like hello (: . then after that she was like , can you stop growing ? then i was like , haha , i think i'll stop growing soon . lols . then she say she always wished to be tall . lols .
thanks to someone for cheering me up . i love you too yeah . thanks for always being there when i'm like sad or whatever . and thanks for chatting to me . i know it doesn't really mean anything to you , but it does mean ALOT to me . so yeah , thanks alot . (: . you rock . thanks for every single thing you've done for me ;D . really helps <3 .
xoxo 7:05 PM
happy birthday kimberly !
sorry i couldn't make it to your party okay .
anyways , people there hate me .
so yeah , no point going .
so sorry .
so went out with my sis to vivo city .
because she was suppose to go watch movie with my mum .
but then mum couldn't make it so yeah .
bought stuff for grad tea too .
because i found out i had to flowery stuff .
so bought a flowery bracelet . (: .
bought my shoes too .
because i hadn't bought them yet .
watched "the seeker" with my sis .
then got one part is like , sound very loud la .
so my sis was holding the popcorn .
then "BOOM" the sound , she go jerk .
then all the popcorn fall onto me .
wthhhh .
lols (: .
then before the movie , because she booked tickets .
she was like , where to go collect .
then i was like , you know how to collect or not .
then she was like , yeah , i not that stupid okay .
then i was like okay , then i point to the counter closest to her and said , that's the collection booth .
because there was a big sign in front that said " COLLECT BOOKED TICKETS HERE" then i laughed .
lols , i know i'm evil la .
but today was .. okay la .
;DD .
xoxo 12:09 AM

haha . we were bored okay . but isn't the bear so cuteeeee . (: .
xoxo 2:51 PM

val ; me and val ; me & guitar . lols . val's leg and mine . like , white and black lah . we were like , comparing class photos then i was like , some people look white , then val was like . yaaaa . then i was like . see your legs so white mine so black . lols . isn't it ? hahah . so lameeeeee -.-
xoxo 10:54 PM

haha . we were messing with the guitar . bored ma ;D . so just string string string . lols (: . then val was like , tessa that is the worst song i ever heard . then i was like , yeah . i know , i anyhow play de . hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa o.o .
xoxo 10:46 PM

me and val ; my legs and hand and guitar and val (: . lols . ; val & bear ; me & bear .
the bear's sooo cute ! and like , big ! lols .
xoxo 10:41 PM
today sucked . completely . for the beginning . after school it rocked . like . hell (: . went to go pick up shorts from j8 , then they told me not to go back to school .. so yah . val called . & she ask me go her house , so i was like , okay . then i was on the bus that time , so she ask me alight at the first stop . then she ask me walk back to j8 !! -.- . lols . then walk le , don't knnow how take the bus , so just take a taxi . diaos . then go her house crapped like hell . lols .. then booked a taxi from val's house . then i went to bugis mrt (: . lols . met someone . and thanks for cheering me up . you rock . totally (: . thanks for treating me to swenson's too . and . thanks for playing with the food . with me . lols . i think i'm gonna get stomach ache . can't believe . like , fries with cheese and water and bbq sauce . yucks . and i ate it . ewwww -.- . and you la . milkshake with spagetti with bbq sauce with tar tar sauce with water with pepper with chilli with cheese on the frie . and still go eat ! hahahaha . and thanks for letting me dip the fries in your milkshake . hahaha . so dumb . it taste so weird la , sweet then salty -.- . and how's your head ache D: . get well okay . eat the panadol (: . and your glasses -.- . go make new one la (: . haha .
thanks for making my day today you guys . ILY you two like hell . really cheered me up (: .
xoxo 10:33 PM

che and me , me and ashley , me and ethel , me and ethel . hahahahahahahahahaha . that's why i suck with a camera phone . lols . just too fun , so must take crap pictures (: .
xoxo 8:08 PM

ashley in com lab , ashley and che and the projector was shining on their faces but it looks like nice face make up or whatever ! (: . che in com lab , che and me outside com lab , me and ashley in class . but stupid light shining . lols .
ILY ashley ; che . my darlings (: .
xoxo 7:48 PM

lols . me and che were in class . so then during mdm kam's lesson we just take , because so boring . mdm kam also not doing anything . and ya . i can't see like . my whole face because something happened to my nose . don't ask why or how . lols (: . but it's damn obvo . then this morning try put powder to cover also can't . stupid sia -.- . i looked sooooo weird ):
xoxo 7:42 PM
today was uber boring in the morning . like , deportment classes . wtf . so heng wasn't my mum . (: . mrs bheem almost wanted to ask my mum to come and teach deportment . wth -.- . then me and nicolette went to set up the mics . the stupid mic 1 pluggin got something wrong i think -.- . then i run up and down to and fro the PA room . switching on mic 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 so then nicolette can test . lols . then horh , chinese lessons le (: . lao shi was like , come pei shi , bang wo . then i help her teach her P1 sudents . lols . so cute de . i taught someone and someone . o,o . they so cute leiii . hahahaha . then ms lee came . needed to vote for the miss ij and performance . then we had nominees for miss ij . first was kimberly then ashley then che then me then justina (: . lols , then vote le . kimberly won ! (: . yayy . because i wanna do the performance . ;D . then kimberly say can't because she no talent . then ms lee was like . tessa you lei . i was like . my talent is being tall . lols -.- . then i was like . i can draw . o.o . is that a talent ? she say yah . how long i need . i was like , 10 mins . >.< . then the time limit is 5 mins . lols . so then she was like draw now . then i was like . can't lei . so i just showed her the pic i drew for ij missions . which is damn ugly -.- . so yah , whatever . lols . then end up choose justina . haha . then grad tea is like , next monday but only today tell us details . then the dance must be handed in on friday , so means only thursday to come up with a dance . wtf ? evil laaaa -.- . say so late how make up dance steps . effing hell . lols .
xoxo 7:28 PM
bored now , and since i'm too lazy to type out another post , i'll just
rip offtake my post from the
pingg&pongg's blog (: . so , here it is ((: .
ME !
ER ,
xoxo 11:53 PM
tomorrow's the stupid dining and etiquitte . wth . so lame lah . i hate hate hateeeee dining . dining etiquitte somemore . you know how it sucks to have your parents working in hotels ? etiquitte . they teach you everything everytime you step into the hotel . " oh , hold the fork like that ah . " " aye ! don't do that . do like this " , argh -.- . qi si le lah . >.< . but tomorrow got something to look forward to ((: . &thankyous// . ;D .
ILY che and ashley ! thanks for the great day today . ILY you guys .
xoxo 11:09 PM
haha , me and ashley were chatting on msn D: . but just total crap .
[[ AsHLeY ]] says:
[[ AsHLeY ]] says:
; just don't play with me . my paper heart will bleed . `` without you i'm meaningless . says:
; just don't play with me . my paper heart will bleed . `` without you i'm meaningless . says:
[[ AsHLeY ]] says:
[[ AsHLeY ]] says:
; just don't play with me . my paper heart will bleed . `` without you i'm meaningless . says:
[[ AsHLeY ]] says:
; just don't play with me . my paper heart will bleed . `` without you i'm meaningless . says:
; just don't play with me . my paper heart will bleed . `` without you i'm meaningless . says:
er . lols ! i know we are . totally . #@$#%@%#^$ too . hahahah ! >.<
xoxo 9:38 PM
thankyous to someone . for cheering me up last night ((: . thankyous for like , staying up till 3 +am with me just to make sure i didn't do anything stupid even though you were like , sleepy and tired , and i'll never do anything stupid . haha . and get well soon okay . eat your medicine >=( . and just forget about her okay ? you're like , way too good for her . go find someone else (: . that appreciates you , okay ((: . smile yah . and don't do anything stupid (: .
xoxo 2:51 PM
i'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so soooo sorry to someone . i'll stop calling you blab already okay . i'm so sorrrry . didn't mean to offend you or anything okay . )): . just . blame me okay . blame stupid me . who messed up 5 people's live in one night . and i'm sorry i just keep hurting you even though you're helping me . i'm sorry . really really sorry .
just hate me already , please . -i'm sorry .
xoxo 2:14 AM
uh . i can't play maple on windows vista . bloody ass . whatever luh . i can't be bothered . windows vista sucks . can't run alot of games -.- . lols . and i can't view vids i transfer over from my phone ! argh .
xoxo 1:37 AM
and things just got worse . great . i love today . it soo rocks !
argh whatever .
xoxo 12:43 AM
justina's just blogged . all her anger and everything . she has had a fucked up day too . but mine is like . cannot reverse . and thanks sherry . and thanks blab . thanks for listening and helping . thanks justina . thanks pingg . thanks che . urgh . i don't understand why everything has to happen on one day . why not numerous days . so sucks lah . i just wish i can turn back time . and do whatever . argh heck . what am i talking about ? i'm just so fucked up . and come back blab . you really make me feel happy . just listening to your opinions . okay . i don't know what's coming over me . i hate myself . to the core . i mean like . what have my parents ever done for me ? beside drive me up the wall . i hate them so much . yah . stupid parents . you get divorced when i was only three . then left me with my mum . then my mum went away to shanghai when i was 9 and then you threw me to my dad . my bias dad . who only loved my sister . whatever she asked for , my dad will buy for her . because i was like . a good girl ? my sister would show attitude and everything . but no , my dad doesn't care . because my dad knew that i loved him , so he wanted my sister to love him too . so everyday he would come home only at like . what 11 ? and the latest time he ever came back was at 5.45 am . can you belive that . i mean , he didn't even come home sometimes . and on weekends , he would only play golf . hello ? what am i ? invisible or what ? that's how i spent two years of my life . ignored and unwanted . whenever my mum came back to sg to visit us , she'll only scold me . why ? because i never do this never do that . come home 1 min late . bloody ass . then my sis would just rub it in . i lost it lor . run away from home . what else to do . i hate my family . then they brought me home . ran away again . caught again . argh . so my mum flew back to singapore . and that time she was acting really nice . like ohh . i love you so much darling . and my dad was also like . i love you so much too dear . uh . then now ? my mum blames me for everything . like when something goes wrong she'll be like . all because of you lah . see what you do ? make me come back to sg . all your fault ! can i just go and die ? she blames me for having interest in so many things . like . i want to learn guitar . she was like . you siao ah . last time i used to have like . piano lessons . and my dad signed me up for it . then my mum just took me out . i was like . didn't know that time because my dad just explained that he didn't have money for me to learn . and then my parents got into a quarrel . dad blame mum for not letting me learn something . i blame my mum too . i mean like . now i'm not good at particulary anything . because when i was young you didn't let me learn anything . all the stuff my dad signed me up for , you just dropped me out . why ? because my dad signed me up . bloody hell . then now when i wanna sign up for classes you scold me . because why ? you say i keep changing interests . when actually i want to learn everything that i could have mastered by now . and it's all her fault . why do parents just lovee to blame me ? wth lah .
leave me alone . i hate everyone . i got nothing now . so just let me be .
xoxo 12:15 AM
i'm gonna spend the whole night crying to myself . i hate everyone . except darlings . uh . i'm like , so fucked up . i keep messing up everything i cherish . wth is wrong with me .
xoxo 11:21 PM
good mornings . lols . i want to go out . home is so . boring -.- . dad called in the morning . er actually at 11 . then ask me go out eat lunch with him at 12 . but then i was too tired to go . 'cause i finally woke up at like . 1.40 . lols >.< . but my sis went out with my dad . and he bought lunch for me too (: . lols . so ate le . then my sis put in her new sim card . then top up . then keep calling here and there -.- . i'm still boredddd . yesterday was funnnnn . went out at like 4.30 . then reached home like . 8.30 or whatever . i wanted to stay out longer ): . but my mum was like . go home after the movie -.- .
oo . i love you lovelayyyyye .
//& i love you PINgg ! ((: .
haha . i'm siao le . dying of boredom . )): .
xoxo 2:27 PM
xoxo 2:27 PM
hais , i don't know why . but since someone told me that someone was going out with someone on some day , i feel . like . damn pissed . but who cares . i can't stand it -.- . i don't know what's happening lahhhhh . oh , i finally finish dling audi (: . finally divorceddd (: . think he went go find someone else . YAY ! ^^ . lols X: .
xoxo 12:41 AM
back from the movies . so rocked (: . and i'm so so soooo sorry to someone . i had to go before my mum scolds me from coming back sooo late ! >.< . and hope you enjoyed your meal . haha . and thank you for the brownie yah ((: . hope you have fun at the arcade . lols /x .
xoxo 10:07 PM
boredddddddd -.- . later going out to watch movie (: . yay . but movie's at like 5.10 -.- . so i'm like going at at 4 . ahhhhh . i'm hungry . lols . justina darling . i linkedd you and che le >.<
xoxo 11:56 AM
everyone ! please go to
HEREEE and read 'bout what not and tag and link okay ! (: . thank yous >.<
xoxo 3:07 PM
i'm really sorry . that i couldn't tell newton and novena apart , okay ? i hardly go there . so i don't know what the stations look like . and sorry that you had to wait 7 mins to take another train just 'cause of me , okay ? arghh . go to shermin's house tomorrow okay ? i won't go if you don't want me to . just smile and don't care about me okay ? maybe then you'll have smarter friends . and you won't need to alight at wrong mrt stations .
xoxo 7:27 PM
urgh . damn angry now . i don't know . why you're like that , but . i don't care anymore . okay .
xoxo 9:00 AM
i don't know what i'm doing . i'm sorry someone . i'm sorry that i didn't do anything and that i made you so sad . really damn sorry . and i know you told me like alot of times not to say sorry . but other then saying sorry i really can't do much . i can't take back my words or actions . and it's really just my fault , okay . and to another person . i'm sorry i used capital letters to sms you . sorry i was so rude , okay . i just hope . i was frustrated that time . but i love you okay . and to my kor . i'm sorry too . it's totally my fault . i'm sorry i took your words seriously . even though you were joking . i'm sorry that i'm so stupid that i don't even know the difference . so please don't break up with your gf . just 'cause of me . okay kor . i'm going to feel damn guilty . so just stay with her . 'cause you love her . i love you kor . but i'm sorry too . i know i'm effed up . i know i'm dumb . and i'm so sorry ashley D: . urgh . i hate myself 3 .
xoxo 4:53 PM
sorry . bored /x .
Tried to take a picture
of love
didn't think I'd miss her
that much
I want to fill this new frame
but its empty
tried to write a letter
in ink
its been getting better
I think
I got a piece of paper
but its empty
its empty
maybe we're trying
trying too hard
maybe we're torn apart
maybe the timing
is beating our hearts
we're empty
and I've even wondered
if we
should be getting under
these sheets
we could lie in this bed
but its empty
its empty
maybe we're trying
trying too hard
maybe we're torn apart
maybe the timing
is beating our hearts
we're empty
oh oh
oh oh
oh oh
oh oh
maybe we're trying
trying too hard
maybe we're torn apart
maybe the timing
is beating our hearts
we're empty
we're empty
we're empty
xoxo 11:00 PM
i don't know . but these lyrics . are nice . o.o
SHERRY;; says:
I understand that there's some problems
And I'm not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
SHERRY;; says:
If I can't apologize for being wrong
Then it's just a shame on me
I'll be the reason for your pain
And you can put the blame on me
SHERRY;; says:
Your beauty lights the darkness
You reflect true love
The world is so much better
Whenever you're with me
Embracing our days
You are my life
Though time waits for no one
Forever you'll be mine
SHERRY;; says:
You're a natural
All is possible
Everything seems right
It's so surreal
There is no pretence
Nothing can compare
To the moments
We shared
SHERRY;; says:
You're my perfect joy
A splendid sight
Like a stained glass that
Sparkles from inside
Love and honesty
It's all because of you
SHERRY;; says:
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me ,for sure.
That's what friends are for
SHERRY;; says:
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
SHERRY;; says:
I never could imagine, life without you
From the moment you walked into my world
Never knew how long a loving flame could burn
But losing you has forced me to learn
SHERRY;; says:
That we can't change the way we feel inside
And every try at love never turns out right
We both know it's better if we just let it go
xoxo 10:54 PM
i'm like uber bored now . someone got sick D: . went to doctor . now eating . wish you get well soon yah (: . and i'm still like bored . -.- . don't know what to do . so i'm posting . -.- . and this shall be uber crap . uber uber uber crap . 'cause i can't wait for the person to come back on msn . so at least i won't die (: . lols . -.- . still bored . and i don't know what to wear tomorrow ! aiya who cares . -.- . wear shorts and t shirt . tomorrow need wake up at like . 9 o.o . or maybe 8 . 8.30 . yah okay (: . lols . retard -.- . aiya nevermind . i'm bored ): . someone come online and chat to me lah please . lols .
xoxo 10:49 PM
che asked me to go to escape theme park tomorrow . but i don't know who else is going -.- . i think justina is . /x . and on wednesday going out with jaclyn maxene and shermin to plaza sing . then on thursday we'll go to shermin's house >< . i had this vid of us last time . but deleted it . maxene deleted it too -.- . so yah . so sad ): . it was damn nice vid lah . /x . aiya . today not going anywhere . just slacked . raining now . ): . i hate the rain . whenever i'm out having fun . so better not rain tomorrow . or the day after . or the day after . lols /x . aiya . bored . =.- . nevermind . i shall find something to go and entertain myself (: . likeeeeee . i don't know lah . -.- . oh and the stupid msn website . so dumb lah . the stupid help thingie . i type in stuff then the answers all totally different lah . some don't even have the keywords inside . wth . so bad lah . ): . then end up i never find anything lah . lols . so dumb ! stupid website >=( . stupid stupid . can't even find stuff . lols . okay . i shall go and watch tv with my sis . X: . byeeeee .
xoxo 2:55 PM
hais . i don't know what to do le . er . let's use people again ! yay ! -.- .
person A .
person B .
person C .
person A promised that . person A would er . e.g. give me a chocolate . then in front of person C person A told me . that person A would give me chocolate o.o . then . i long time couldn't see person A . 'cause of some reason . then when i came back . person A gave person B the chocolate . and all of person A's friends didn't know . they all though that person A would give me the chocolate . and they didn't even know of person B . -.- .
oh whatever . i don't know . everything all so what now -.- . but at least person D talked to me just now . or else i would have died crying . lols /x . i love you person D ! ;D .
thank you for always being there for me . .
xoxo 12:56 PM
YAY . next week no school . 'cause hari raya and psle marking (: . and che's mum so bad lah . ): . anyways . now abit confusing .
person A .
person B .
person C .
person D .
person Z .
person A likes person Z . but person B says person Z likes me . which is like so not true -.- . and person B says that everyone would rather me + perzon Z rather than person A + person Z . but i don't like person Z 'cause i like person C . but person C like . avoiding me . and person D says he likes me . so like =.- .
OH WHATEVER . SO FED UP D: . ANYWAYS . that day justina came to my house . then my mum was like . at home -.= . then justina was like . your mum very pretty . and skinny . then i was like . yah , that's why she calls me fat . DIAO . and stupid justina was looking at those pictures on the study table . she thought . was taken like . er , few years ago . but . was like . last month . ARGH -.= . i look so old now ? )))))): . and tomorrow's like . my grandfather's birthday . so yah .
xoxo 12:32 PM
today went to pcbunk . with twinny and michelle and xinying . my mum was like . come back by 8 . -.= ! . then yesterday . twinny called me . then i was like . hello . she said . what you wearing tomorrow ? i said wear white top plus pink . and black skirt D: . she was like . wear pink top and black skirt . i was like . er okay . so i was at cathay at that time . then i went to this store called unique . and bought this pink top for $24 -.= . lols . and then before that i went to diva to buy a hairband . 'cause twinny was like . use a hairband lah . but i HATE hairbands . it's lik after you take them out your hair sticks out at weird places . or they just stand up . -.= . okay so bought a black hairband for $6 . and PINgg darling must loveeeee me . right ? or at least your cousin . LOLS (: . i had lunch with PINgg one day . at garuda opposite paragon . and my uncle was like . call me when you're there . so call lah . then he was like . talk to this lady . she'll take your orders and everything . then we ordered . then sat at the reserved table D: . then eat and eat , then my uncle came . so i was like . hi . pingg was like . hi too . so then my uncle ordered MORE food . omgosh -.= . then he suddenly talked 'bout nathan haruto . or whatever his surname is D: . and he had a concert at the esplanade right ? my uncle like wanted to get me tickets . but he knew my mum would like . object . stupid right ? =.- . 'cause he like performs at garuda D: . so yah . and my uncle has like 2 of his CDs . then he suddenly ask us . yall want the CDs ? then PINgg was like . my cousin likes nathan . so my uncle was like . okay what's your uncle's name ? i get nathan to autograph the CD then i'll pass it to tessa and she'll pass it to you okay ? i was like . damn lah , so good lah . ROFL . so yah . anyways . when we went inside pcbunk , we got the sofa seats D: . so i sat down . then whenever we're playing , got these irritating people . keep staring . 'cause twinnys sitting facing me , she'll tell me who's staring at me and i'll tell her who's staring at her . and , stupid lah , but all the people staring at me . were like . stupid guys . -.= . twinny too . lols . and it's like . staring at the legs . 'cause i was like . wearing short skirt . so dumb right . then like . twinny had to go home . so i walked with her outside bunk . then this group of guys were like . going out too . so twinny was like . they're staring at you twinny . i was like . yah i know i can see -.= . diao lah . so went up the escalator . then this bald guy . was like . reach on top first then he opened the door for me . so i was like thank you . then as i walked out , he look my me too . ): , so bad lah . twinny was like . laughing whne i told her i "accidentaly" kick some bian tai guy's face X: . opps . lol /x . so then went home . rofl =.- . but was fun ;D . that day lah . /x . oh . and i'm sooooo sorry to someone . and . to another one . please stop ignoring me =.- . i don't know why you want to ignore me . did i like . do . anything . wrong ? D: . ah who cares . i wanna bury myself -.- .
xoxo 7:11 PM
lols . DIDI THIS FOR YOU . remembered teachers was always like . stop using walk and use something else ! or all those common words . LOL . okay didi . i got some words that mean walk . and some other common words . go LEARN IT . sorry , since you killed my rubber chickens , they told me to get revenge by doing this to you . /x . TOPICAL TEST TOMORROW ((: .
words meaning walkadvance , amble , ambulate , canter , escort , file , go , hike , hoof it , locomote , lumber , march , meander , pace , pad , parade , patrol , perambulate , pitter-pattern , plod , prance , promenade , race , roam , rove , run , saunter , scuff , shamble , shuffle , slog , stalk (HAHA DIDI WHY YOU STALK ME !) , step , stride , stroll , strut , stump , toddle , tour , traipse , tramp , traverse , tread , trek , troop , trudge , wander , constitutional , gait .
words meaning die , as in DIE DIDI'S METEOR DIE ! -.-be taken , bump off , buy it , cash in , chalk out , check out , cool , croak , dance , decease , demise , depart , drop , drop dead , drop off , drown , eat it , expire , finish , go west , hang , kick off , one-way ticket , perish , pop off , relinquish life , snuff , sprout wings , succumb (SUCCUMB TO ME ! LOL), suffocate .
i wish your brain melts and flows out of your nostrils didi ! HAHAHA . i know i'm so evil ): . but who ask you to kill me rubber chickens ! ): .
oh wait . here .
words meaning HATEE .abhorrence , abomination , anathema , animosity , animus , antagonism , antipathy , aversion , detestation , disgust , dislike , dog-eye , enmity , execration , grievance , gripe , horror , hostility , ill will , irritant , loathing , malevolence , malignity , mislike , nasty look , nuisance , objection , odium , rancor , rankling , repugnance , repulsion , resentment , revenge , revulsion , scorn , shudders , spite , trouble , venom .
HAHAHHA . and didi has long been the bete noire of me ! xP .
xoxo 3:23 PM
stupid didi . she killed all my rubber chickens ): . and now i'm left with my rubber dinosaurs . she and her useless meteor . OUTSIDE the earth's atmosphere . duh . can't hit mah rubber dinosaurs ! WAHAHAHA . sorry i know i'm lame . then she was like . i'll stuff your rubber dinosaurs in your box . then i was like . they can't be stuffed in . too big (: . then she was like . i could put a lod on the box and place it in the freezer . they'll freeze cause that's what happens to stuff in the freezer . -.- ! . then i was like . but they're BIGGG . uber uber BIG ! . then she says . then i can poke a hole in them and let the air out . WHICH SO DEFEATS THE PURPOSE ! WAHAHAHA . -.- . then i was complaining to her . 'cause twinny was like . i broke up with final 'cause he everyday only talk 'bout sex . so i was like yah . guys only want to talk to you only 'bout sex . -.- . if not , they won't even start to talk to you . diao . then i was like . ubiquitous . then stupid didi sms me . she was like . i think you used ubiquitous wrongly . like whatever didi ! . ubiquitous means seeming to be everywhere at the same time . so yah . i was like referring to like . AIYA NEVERMIND . -.- . lols . or another word for ubiquitous is omnipresent (: . easier word . yah and i was like doing that excersise . then i fell down . and didi was like . aiya do one step at a time lah . i was like . IT IS ONLY ONE STEP . well actually two . but like so hard lah . my mum was like . tessa you arh . you got muscles but never tone them . now you look so fat ! 'cause got no lines to outline your muscles ! oh whatever . i'm trying okay . you teach me that exersice so hard de . i can only to 10 per each hand . argh -.- . yesterday suddenly felt like doing exersice rather than hmwk . so did the hula hoop . LOL . for fun actually . then push ups . like . 20 . then did dumbells . 8 sets of 20 . then did that hard one lo . and stomach crunches . like 30 . and resistence band . 20 . and skipped . 500 . D: . no wonder today arm ache D: . then i showered like . 2 times . HAHAH . X: .
xoxo 3:09 PM
we're like having grad tea at chinese swimming club . can you belive it ? i mean like . last yr they went to RITZ CALTON . HELLO . FIVE STAR HOTEL . but the club's okay lah . the only nice thing is the billard room ((: . yaya . it rocks . i was like . hey can we say we go toilet then go to the billard room . then i get my dad pass me his locker's key . then i can take my cue stick and we play . ROFL . yah justina you can take the black one . i want the white one ): . or you take my sister's one . LOL . her's juniors de . very short -.- ! oh . and the theme . is the LAMEST MUCH ! . omgosh lah . the stupid theme is like . FLOWER POWER . HELLOR . LAMEEEE . what are we suppose to wear ? flower swimsuits ? uh -.- . dumb dumb dumb . oh yah jus , we can go to the bowling alley too . but the air con damn cold lah . last tie my cousin sis and i would hang out there when we didn't want to play billard/pool le X: . and we'd play till like . no money . then go up ask dad for more . DIAO ! but the cheese fries and wedges rock okay . so nice lah . X: . i miss all the uncles at the billard room lah ): . lol . and that uncle who was suppose to be my god daddy o.o . he was so good lah . lols /x . and stupid justina just likes the triangle thing . -.- . WHY COULDN'T THEy HAVE HELD IT AT LIKE . SENTOSA OR SHANGRI-LA OR SOMETHING . LOLS . I lOVEEE SENTOSA . THEY COULD HAVE HELD THE CELEBRATIONS AT THE BEACH LOR . COMPLETE WITH ALL THE AWNING AND CHAIRS AND TABLES AND FOOD ! LOL . AND THEN WE COULD ALL GO TO THE FLYING TRAPEZE . LOLS (: . *hais . at least i dreamt ;X .
xoxo 2:56 PM
lol . wednesday i had to say pledge . so after i say need walk down the platform right ? then mrs bheem was like . tessa come . then i went to her . then she was like , tessa you cut your hair arh . ? then i was like yah . nice ? (: . she say yah . ROFL . my mum after i cut was like . you look like your principle . HAHAHA . NOW I LOOK LIKE MRS BHEEM AND MS KOH ! AH . -.- . but long time never see mrs bheem . or aunty stella . i miss aunty stella ): . it's like last time i always got time to see her at the office but now like no time 'cause so busy luh . and i've been owing her like $5+ for like ever . 'cause one day she was like . hey tessa want to go eat lunch together ? i was like okay . after the assembly meet her at the canteen . then when i went down . she was sitting at the round tables . and she bought food liao . wth . i wanted to pay her back she say nevermind . ah ! then she bought me a drink too . omgosh . *guilty* D: . then she asked me for lunch again . then there was . what day ah . we could all come in whatever clothes we wanted . then the say before , aunty stella was like . come to the office when you come to school okay ? i was like okay (: . then i go she gave me this letter . and she let me sit next to her behind the recipcient o.o . then she was like . your the first to sit here . LOL . (: . then i went for mornin' assembly then i opened her letter . inside got a card and you know the customised name letters . hahahha X: . and she was like . one time gave me $2 to buy the latte . wth . i owe her so much lah . she rocks luh (: . lols . ms see rocks too . i can't believe she left school lah . she was the bestestestestest vice principal LIKE . EVER . lols . haha that time in beijing . me and sabrina was in ms see's room practicing the dance . then going to back to our rooms that time . sabrina was like . eh ms see give a kiss lah ! ROFLLLLLLLL . then she like kissed sab and me on the cheek . haha . then back in singapore during my recess or whatever . i'd be like . aunty stella can i go to see ms see ? she'll be like . okay lah , see if she in . YAY (: . sabrina was like . 'cause aunty stella don't know her ( ah i'm bad -.- ) so she like . can't just go can i go see ms see . so she was like . i getting scolding . LOL . and yah . sit in her office talk talk to her . then the last day in school . i wasn't in school . AH . -.- . 'cause i had fever . walao lah ): . lol anyways . I MISS MS SEE ): .
xoxo 2:47 PM
FINEEEEEE . it was
PINgg . DEAREST PINGG . who told me i was prettier than ms koh ;P . LOL THANKYOUS DEAR . AND WHY YOU NEVER STAY BACK FOR LAO SHI'S THING >=( . ROFL .
xoxo 2:46 PM
today . was . like . ARGH . -.- . in the morning i like went for duty . then vicky was like , you cut your hair arh . then i was like yah . so then i saw maggie sit down in the parade square so i was like . vicky ask her come here lah . then she was like , you ownself go ! i was . NOOO . i cut my hair i don't want people see D: . lols . so then she got maggie in , then maggie was like i saw your hair when you put the mic out just now . diao . then she ask where i go cut . i think . then i was like , shunji matsuo . D: . then natalie came , she was like . omg tessa you cut your hair ? then i was like yah /x . then she was like , turn around . so i turn then she say , why your hair at the back abit weird . then maggie was like . AYE , her haircut branded okay . DIAO -.= , so yah . then clare came . and she saw me . she was like omg ! tessa what did you do to your hair ! -.- . wth . then she was like touching my hair . lols . then we were like . where's kaela she suppose say pledge today . so then i was like . maggie come with me to find kaela . then when we were walking , we saw nicolette . then dumb ass maggie point to my hair . bloody . then we saw kaela . so we went back . then i was like , maggie go out with kaela , i don't want to . then she was like don't want lah you ownself go . then the bell ring so i went with kaela . argh -.- . then mrs morrier was like . you cut hair arh . i was like yah . /x . then pledge say say say . then everything done . was walking up the stairs , then mrs sundar was like . hey tessa you cut your hair arh ?
yeah you look very cute leh .
haha , thank you then er the malay teacher was like . yah you look very nice . good luck for your psle tomorrow yah . ARGH -.- . then going into the classroom . michelle , jollyn and some other people were like omg tessa . then i walk into the classroom through the front door . sit down . then they all come to my seat . then keep touch my hair lah . -.= . then jollyn was like . omg tessa you look so cute . then seeteng was like . tessa you look very pretty . then cherie was like . you look very weird . (..) . and mrs ho was also like . omg . -.- . diao lah . then went for recess , saw didi and twinny and michelle . twinny was like . eh , you really look like me now . diao . then didi was like . never laugh . which is good . then i was like . people said i was cute and pretty . then she said . you know cute means what right . then i was like . oh whatever lah . then she was like . but you can be pretty AND cute . WTH . SO EVIL LAH DIDI ): . EVERYONE MAKE ME SO ...... AH WHATEVER . then the aunty at the noodle stall was also like . i look younger . and more child like . diao . then she say next yr must come back . i was like okay . and she gave me a fishball o.o . lol . then didi and twinny and everyone was like walking out . then i shout to didi , i call you later . then she ask me turn around . then mrs vera was there . then i was opps sorry . mornin' mrs vera . then she was like . eh , you look like ms koh ! DIAO . -.- . so i was like . i don't know who i told . then she was like . no lah . you look prettier than ms koh . lols -.- . then lao shi . was like talking talking . then talk till i missed my bus D: . lols . so ashley fetched me and denise home ;P . yah and ms lee was like . tessa tomorrow clip up your fringe yah . lol . it's not touching my eyebrows . i cut my fringe liao okay . D: . then twinny was like . use hairband . i hate hairbands . really . i can't stand how they make my hair like . stick out at akward angles when i take it out . unless of course i don't actually pull back the hair D: . lol . and when i did that . mrs choo was like . what's the use of that hairband . LOL . (: . yah . and in the morning mrs choo was like . hey tessa ! you cut your hair . very nice . it suits your face . lols . then michelle or who said i looked chubbier . AYE . i know i'm fat don't need to rub it in >=(( . and ray said i looked weird too . lol nevermind (: . tomorrow's psle . must jiayous yah . X: .
xoxo 2:26 PM
PSLE's like on wednesday . -.- . wth lah . i don't know why i'm bloggin' . maybe 'cause . nevermind . i don't know what i'm doing lah . =.- . but it's like . yesterday . smsed someone . then he called me . 'cause he say his hp no more money . so i was like okay D: . then he kept talking 'bout stuff which is like . i don't want to talk 'bout . then he was like . i'm sick don' make me angry . wth . i don't want to talk liao lor . so he say . you don't want chat just say lah . i was like . wth lah . you talk to me 'bout this kind of thing i don't want to talk 'bout then you give me this kind of attitude . -.- . so effed up lah . lols . /: .
xoxo 12:05 PM