super f tired ): .
work-ed on saturday ,
aft netball .
damn rushed .
netball ,
home ,
shower &pack .
thn met jiejie Amy for lunch ;D
aft ,
met Vanessa at j8 thn we both train-ed &bus-ed to work .
reached ,
thn changed &started to do stuffs .
oh &Wendi saw un glam me on th way to work .
went home aft ,
like 9.3o .
home-ed a 1o ,
thn showered ,
&slept .
nxt day gt work again ,
but was damn tired ,
so slept till 11 ;o .
mum called &i woke up ,
rushed to shower &change ,
thn train-ed &bus-ed .
reached ,
thn wnt to th Sea Sports Centre to find Eddy !
he`s th best brother ever manzxzx .
thn typed &prined some receipts ,
recorded down ,
&blah .
mid afternoon ,
gt this group of 11 guys .
came &ask to rent kayaks .
said gt 2 triyaks ,
2 double kayaks ,
&1 single .
so they discuss awhile ,
thn decided to rent all five .
Eddy wrote down th order ,
thn put total as $6o .
he turned to me &said ,
$6o right ?
thn i was like ,
yeah .
thn few sec ltr ,
keep ask ,
you sure ? ;DDDD .
thn he calculate again ,
bcome $7o .
lmaoooooo . ;x .
so took $7o ,
i kept it i th cashier &typed &printed th reciept .
gave them their oars &life jackets [; .
each rental is half an hour ,
at half hour ,
they still nt back ,
so wait .
aft another half hour ,
they finally come back .
so i went up to them &took th oars &jackets.
Eddy had to go to th trapeze to help out ,
so left Haikul &me ;D .
while i kept ,
Haikul told them to pay another $7o ,
bcs they overshot .
thn they kept scolding each other .
waited anotheer 1o mins ,
before they produced th money .
i like so paiseh ,
thn took th money &put in cashier .
went for dinner ,
Eddy still at trapeze ,
lol .
left Haikel ,
saw Goofy by th pool .
so i was like ,
bonjour .
thn he was bonjour [; .
lol lame .
thn he was like how are you ,
in french ,
thn i was like ,
fine ,
in french .
thanks .
shit manzxzxzx ,
my french sucks , yo .
lol ,
thn aft dinner came back to Sea Sports .
Haizul came ,
so Haikul went to smoke .
followed him ,
thn sat &chatted awhile .
suddenly saw one netball pole ,
like down on th sand ,
with no net .
thn i was like ,
wth .
sentosa gt netball mehs .
he said long time ago gt .
thn i was like oh .
Haikul told me he`s gonna pon school on Monday .
shit ,
i wanna too ): .
walked back ,
Eddy came ;D .
Haikul &Haizul suppose close accounts thn they never ,
so they very slow .
lolll ,
helped abit ,
thn closed Sea Sports ;D .
okay damn tired today ): ,
tomorrow gt netball match ,
go people ;D .
Yay ,
skipping one english &math period ,
woo !
xoxo 6:03 PM
noooooooo ,
blog dnt die ): .
supposed to have first match of Netball Nationals on wed ,
but thn rain-ed ,
so postponed to today ;D .
Kimm played super well for WA ,
but kinda nt so well for GA .
but you go gf ! <3 ;D .
Kah Hui shot really really well for th 1st and 2nd quater ,
like all go in .
pro ;D ,
Hees ,
training paid off .
but i guess River Valley was kinda weak siols .
i wanna extend my hair ! ;x .
like during June Hols ;D .
but scared Coach &Mummy scold )): .
stupid reason to get scared of Coach .
lollll .
but like yeah .
x.x ,
gt report slip back today !
english ; 7o , A2 .
chinese ;
29 , F9 .mathematics ;
4o , E8 .science ; 68 , B3 .
geography ; 71 , A2 .
history ; 65 , B3 .
literature ; 92 , A1 .
d &t ; VR .
home econs ; 66 , B3 .
visual arts ; 65 , B3 .
zomggggs ,
see my chinese manzxzx -.- .
die laaa .
mummy coming home tomorrow ,
she see i die lorh ): .
but i love my Lit !
;x .
could have gotten 96 though ,
but mrs Vincent decided to give me a 23/25 rather thn 24 ): .
okay and art sucks ,
walao th art teacher sucks lor !
wht kinda fucking bitch .
i do everything nice nice .
thn you fucking give me B .
i cnt get B you assssss !
urgh ,
she can go &die ,
lucky she temp teacher ,
fucking go home sooner ,
i hate you ! .
sorry ): ,
`ve got A for art ): .
hmpfs ! TT .
i hate tht fat ng ,
&my math ,
tht gay ng .
urgh .
i hate myself .
xoxo 10:18 PM
argh ,
anyone willing to help me print our my lit ? ;x .
gt no printer D: .
&i have abouts ,
1o pages of lit to print .
&thts th answer only .
zomg .
okay suddenly i`ve no mood to complete my lit ,
nor my english .
suddenly i just dnt wnt to write anymore .
i think my english sucks D: .
okay whtever ,
looking forward to dinner tonight with dad .
xoxo 12:44 PM
omg ,
i hate th lit assignment man ,
): .
i`ve nt even finished doing it ): .
one stupid question ,
&i`ve used like 13o5 words to answer ,
&i`m nt even halfway done .
zomg ,
i cnt end up typing like 5ooo words for this ,
`m gonna dieeee .
&holidays arn`t like holidays ,
i need to go back to school every single day ,
except sunday ,
wtffff ): .
xoxo 10:56 AM
okay today sucks .
had netball training ,
woke up 1o mins late ,
so i ran to th bus stop ,
assuming i was going to be late .
but i managed to reach on time :D .
i havn`t ran in years man , (3 days)
&i think my stamina has gone down ): ,
suppose run twelve rounds ,
i ran thirteen ,
again -.- !
omg la ,
i`m sucha a genious at maths man ,
i can count so well .
argh !
fifth/sixth round ,
overtook kimberly ,
thn last round ,
kim took over ,
halfway towards end ,
thn i rmb ,
once she told me ,
if someone cut in front of you means you run one more round .
but she cut halfway towards end ,
but i stupid ,
ran one more round .
ARGH ): .
&my throat freaking hurts now .
had soar throat since yst yst ,
aft training it gt worse ): .
eating dinner now .
didnt even want dinner ,
bcs cnt swallow .
but idk why ,
my maid made noodles .
soi`m just drinking th soup .
&trying to swallow noodles ,
but it`s too pain D: .
anyways ,
i`m running out of strepsils man ,
D: .
howwww ): .
`ve been pissing off alot of people lately ,
sorry sherman ): .
argh ,
who can buy for me strepsils please ? :D .
xoxo 7:24 PM
okay bad mood now ): ,
currently freaking busy ,
busy till no time to breathe ,
only blogging cause need to do lit project on com ,
&got too bored D: .
talked on msn yst with Kim girlfriend ,
Samantha ,
Sherman ,
Cherie ,
Clements ,
Josh .
at th same time ,
was dying la .
loll ,
thn slowly all stop ,
till left with Sherman .
Haas ,
i owe him like $27 for his birthday ,
so giving it to him this sat ;D .
bye money ,
Haas !
anyways ,
need do work le ): ,
aikks ,
&stupid .
did th my links thing so xin ku ,
thn they say cnt save ,
pissed off .
xoxo 9:23 PM
zomg ,
my blog is like dead la .
DDD: ,
anyways ,
went out yst yst [: .
was freaking boring okay ): .
&i cut my hair !
zomg zomg ): ,
th hairdresser said tht if i wanted to grow out my hair ,
needed to cut like tht ,
thn once grow out ,
thn layer ,
thn will grow out nicely .
D: ,
so chim ): .

looks so thin now ,
lmaos . D: .
anyways ,
jiejie florence fetched us ,
thn went to palm lodge ,
bcs ,
ah ma &ah kong moving house ;D .
i love ah ma !
Haas ;D .

&ah kong too of course ;D .
okay we were bored ,
so aunty vivan brought us to parkway parade ;D ,
&totally boring okay ): ,
nothing to do lor .

Haas ,
aunty vivan was pissed she was shorter thn me ,
so whn we gt back ,

==" ,
she stood like two steps above me thn i stood on ground lv ,
so thn she taller thn me lor D: ,
cnt stand injustice ,
i tiptoed :D .
Haas ;x .
thn i guess was unfair to Daddy huh ?

x.x .
Hees ;D ,

Daddy`s face is damn hilarious ;x .
&jie je florence !

Haas ,
i love her man ;D .
&this pic is fucking random lar ,
" look here ! "
* looks *
* snaps *

so stupid lar ): .
but whtever ,
Haas [: .
xoxo 5:32 PM