changed blogskin again.
But i think 'll changed again.
Just changed to this one cause the other one's links were screwed.
Super tired now ):
g'nights :D
xoxo 9:36 PM
this is the dream,
take control and
don't let go,Changed blogskin ;)
Wanted to die.
The links are like fucked up now.
I need help ):
Maybe i tweeked the design too much that's why it bailed on me.
Oh whatever.
Okay time to post about a billion years ago?
Went out for dinner one day,
with aunt and uncle and cousins and grandma.
Went to some thai restaurant.
I forgot the name ):

Ambience was nice,
And i swear i want one of those chandelliars in my mansion next time (:
maybe not like that cloth one,
but the dangling diamonds one :D
Ordered food then played with cousins. ;)

then the food came.

At first i was like,
wth is this ):
is it cake or something?
then my mummy lifted the lid ;o

end up it's otah,
Quite nice eh ;)
Uncle Ronnie turned Randall's chair so he could stare at this pretty girl at the other table ;3

The girl was ang moh ;)
so cute.
then we went shopping.
At somewhere.
Raffle's place/city/whtever.

They were like walking all over the place,
then in the middle of the shopping mall,
Randall would just sit down.
then whoever will walk up to him to make him stand up,
lol :]
Next topic.
4 days ago,
went down to Rasa to celebrate mummy's birthday.
Felt super sore thumb cause i was in school uniform ):
Rushed there after school,
i was like,
Hurrrrrrrrrrry! The shuttle bus's coming in like, *checks phone* two minutes!! "
so both of us was like, almost running to the shuttle bus stop,
we gave her a surprise by introding on her meeting.
we brought a chocolate cake on the trolley.
Gave her her present and card and sat down eating cake,
observed the meeting awhile,
then mummy asked us where we wanna go eat for lunch,
cause we didn't eat yet ):
so i said trapizza,
then she was like okay,
you go eat first later i go pay.
So we went there and ate ;)
After work,
they played volleyball.

Nessa and i were scoreboards -.-""
Bernard came :)

I don't know if i should say this or not,
but he's cute :D
super muscular.
But he didn't play though,
there's a new lifeguard.
He's name is Samual and he doesn't look friendly.
but he's part time though.
Went to find Eddy at towel stand.
Used the laptop awhile,
They blocked friendster but not facebook.
Went to pool bar and Nisson gave me a drink ;)
Then mummy Nessa and i went to vivo to eat.
At Earl Swensons
Had steak and bread bowls and some seafood thingie.
And chocolate fondue :)
Next topic.
Mummy recieved a lot of flowers,
so i volunteered to arrange them.

Oh. Em. Gee.
I think i should go be a flower arranger manzxzxzx!
joking ;)
oh yeah the flowers are like,
wilted and dead now.

Damn pathetic.
The only flower that's living now is the
pink fluffy thing.

okay now stop mocking me at my poor looking after plant skills.
next topic.
After chinese exam,
(which i am totally gonna flunk)
went to eat Macdonalds with Michelle and Shi-Ying ;)

i think both of them look so white.
Random note:
The SK ll advertisement was like,
the line that seperates youth from old
is a wrinkleOr something like that.
i think that is so cool.
not the wrinkle,
but the way they say it.
okay back to macdonalds.
so we all had McWings.
Then aft Shi-Ying ate finish,
she went to wash her hands.
but when she returned.
She had to eat finish her fries.
But she didn't wanna dirty her hands.
so how? ;o

Use the paper that's wrapped around the ice cream cone to pick up your fries.
And Shi-Ying wanted me to post this.

She put coke with chilli sauce and fries and napkins and god knows what else,
Exam free next week.
Means must mug like mad ):
Okay and i met a playboy today.
lol ;o
it's 8.08 pm now.
time to sleep.
okay no.
Okay let me tell you another joke!
No it's not the same joke joke.
It's a different one :D
A blonde goes,
" TGIF. "
A lady next to her says,
" SHIT, "
The blonde says,
" No, no, not SHIT, it's TGIF, as in, Thank God It's Friday. "
And the lady goes,
" SHIT, Sorry Honey, It's Thursday. "
okay it's not that funny.
my other joke was funnier right.
Lol ;)
Okay g'nights.
here without you baby,
all alone in my lonely mind,
xoxo 3:55 PM
Just shape up and
move on.I have been a total bitch neglecting my blog for like,
six days.
Slap me.
Had Chinese paper today.
Slap me again.
Had English the day before.
Another slap please.
I think i did super badly for both.
I did quite well for letter,
but compo was screwed.
And if i thought i wrote well i would say so,
or else all of you would whack me.
i can feel my head aching from the pain when Ms Tay whacks my head.
I mean box.
Goddammit she's marking long essay some more.
She's gonna kill me when she sees my script.
Why did i have to be an idiot and go and write 1000+ words,
I think i must've totally went off point lah!
Couldn't write anything at all,
for any of the topics.
Imagination decided to take a day off.
Apparently on the day i need it most ):
I had to choose the most stupidest topic ever.

End your compo with " ... and that's why I never trust men who always wear sunglasses. "
like wth!
i didn't read it properly ):
So end up the tenses was all wrong and whatever bullshit.
Can't help but to google lame pictures,
My blog's lacking pictures ):
this morning Mr Ng was like,
Who wants to lead in prayer? Oh and since today is Chinese paper, the person must say the prayer in chinese. "
At first i was like,
wth, joking?
Then he asked me.
why always ask me one!

The day before he also asked me to lead -.-
But i didn't wanna.
So i just said i wasn't catholic,
Then he asked Brittany.
she didn't want either.
Then aft asking a few other people,
he was like,
nevermind i lead then.
then he started mumbling something.
so i strained my ears to listen and intepret.
End up it was chinese.
I was like,
he's really saying it in chinese.
So i almost laughed,
but i banged my head against my table to stop.
he looked at me and thought i was mad or something.
After the prayer,
i couldn't stop laughing.
It was just so weird.
He was like,
qing bang wo men, hao hao li yong wo men suo you xue dao de dong xi zai zhe ge kao shi shang. Amen. "
Amen part was weird,
i was half expecting him to go,
like in chinese.
Phone bill came in today.

Bastard stole my money so now i can't pay my bill.
I over smsed.
And i just spent all my money buying my mummy's birthday present.
Dammit lah,
I am going to get my phone confiscated -.-
Okay it's 12.01 and i am beat.
Will blog when i care.
feel so dead now.
Am i a zombie yet?
Feel like one.
No wonder my sis said i looked green.
Oh well.
Hello everyone,
'mma zombie.
Now run before i rip your heads off.
Will you
spin me around,
till i fall asleep,
xoxo 11:45 PM
Woke up puffy eyed and dragged myself to school.
Almost got hit by a car.
Wished i was.
Oh yay let's mug for exams.
xoxo 3:05 PM
i can ride my bike,
with no handle bars,
no handle barsOh. Em. Geee! :D
God so bimbotic.
Feli was singing that song with me in D &T.
I can ride my bike with no handle bars, no handle bars, NO HANDLE BARS!!!! "
Damn embarrassing,
Mrs Seah was like,
You wanna sing, can go outside and sing. "
who care about her lah.
Did i mention she threw away my sex bands!?
SEVEN OF THEM some more.
Now i only have one left -.-
Went to my daddy's hotel one day.
He brought us to the newly renovated rooms to have a look.
Damn pretty,
but don't have pictures now. D:

Okay i am always intrigued by these letters.
Usually i won't read,
but it's cool to see your dad's signature and name at the bottom.
Went to AMK library with Feli and Brittn.
Feli and I pissed Brittn off,
Mainly me,
so i was like,
So i ask Feli go down with me,
say we buy food,
then we ran to the hocker centre,
that bakery there.
The lady said couldn't write words on the cake,
so i was like,
Buy for Brittn cake or pizza.
Then Feli was like,
So i just bought a Hawaiin pizze and chocolate cake.
Feli recommended the cake because it was featured in 8 days.
Then the lady only had like,
chocolate sauce.
So i bought a walnut cake.
And wrote SRY on it.
small slice,
no space.
We ran back,
but then the chocolate sauce like almost all smudge together.
Then i had to smuggle it past the librarians lor!
she cries and the snot that drips from her nose goes into her mouth.
And i am damn tired,
Gave so much pink foolscap away today.
Want me to tell you a joke?!?!?!
here it goes!
I think i am so so funny.
my eyelids say they are heavy and need to close.
So 'm not moving,
xoxo 8:12 PM
If i could fall,
into the sky,
do you think time,
would pass me by?I am damn pissed off.
Everytime i need to leave my laptop to do something,
like pee,
'd always stay in front of the laptop and think,
i think someone's gonna msn me,
or message me,
or whatever,
then after thining for so long,
i abondon my phone and laptop to go to the toilet (wheeee!)
Then when i come back,
someone has msned me, or called me.
And that person would appear to be offline,
or won't reply me when i type.
And whoever's called me,
i can't call back.
Then 'd be like,
if i didn't think so much and just gone in the first place i could have been back in time.
i am so lame.
Okay i think this is going to be a wordy blog,
no pictures ):
idk what else to say already.
So you peeps don't need to read one super long wordy post,
which i think is excruciating torture.
Okay do you all want to hear a joke?
(Everyone screams yesssssssss.)
Okay must wait for me to find the paper that's with Fely.
Cause i wrote the joke there.
Must see then funny!
We were laughing like mad pigs!
Well not me,
Just Britt and Fely and Narally and Sharony and Becca and Dawny!
Stupid people,
whatever i say they also laugh.
Why don't take me seriously! ):
i am mad.
Okay i was just bored ):
I miss lao shi,
and even Teo Jin Ling.
i think i hit my head too hard this morning.
Oh and i updated my links,
so now it looks all nice and pretty!
I spent 1 hours on it okay!
So tiring.
But i am not callous! (Ms Tay's vocab :D)
Because i am phidasomethingsomething (Ms Tay's vocab!)
i can't remember what's tht synonym for generous.
Literature test sucked.
Did i say i had a double yolk mooncake today?
Yes i did!
it was nice because i liked yolk.
Shared with Nessa,
and she had less because it was DOUBLE YOLK!
Okay nights peeps :D
never thought it would be alright,
until you came and changed my life
xoxo 11:54 PM
And they talk about the guy,
who's waiting for his love,OMG!
My photo problems are fixed! :DDDDDD
But too bad i lost my phone yesterday so there are no new pics.
i am too lazy to blog now ):
so f tired.
But 'm waiting for a call.
I owe Shermin a trip to the library,
and pictures!

Damn tired.
I just ate mooncake :D
With double yolk!
Okay bye.
over the rainbow,
blue birds fly,
xoxo 1:42 PM