It's 11.21 pm.
This day is getting from bad to worse.
I need to start meditating man.
The crying needs to stop.
Or maybe I don't need to.
No one bothers anyway.
Once one have sinned does it mean that one is condenmed forever by his deeds?
Does it!?
Does repent and regret count for anything anymore?
I guess some people do not think so (for the latter).
Omg I should stop fucking up my life now.
Idiosyncrazies and impluses are getting me nowhere.
I wanna wake up from this contretemps.
xoxo 11:21 PM
Dear God,Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy in the next.
Oh God,
I can't explain it,
But I know today that You are with me.
I know You'll hold me in the palm of Your hand.
I know You love me and will guide me.
I know there is nothing You won't do for me.
So Lord,
Please help me today.
Help me guide me to make the right decisions and not crumble under all the pressure.
Help me forgive the people who have sinned against me,
And let those I've sinned upon forgive me.
Dear Lord,
Also please help B.
Grant him a clear mind to think things through,
To be able to make the right decisions.
Grant him serenity,
To let him let You take control.
Also Lord,
Please grant J the wisdom and courage to forgive whoever has done her wrong,
Let her allow friends to help her,
And let her forgive me.
xoxo 8:59 PM
Baby I love you,
I really do.
xoxo 10:26 PM
Cause if your love was all I hadOmg I'm trying to upload photos but I can't why why why!! :(
What javascript shit is blogger giving me.
Hahhaha ok I can upload photos!!
Realised I can't upload Daryl's photos that crash my whole blogger when I try,
But I can upload photos taken by my phone.
High quality pics cannot make it.
Stayed back with my pokemon buddy to do homework the other day

We were kinda very de not productive.

Kim took these you bitch hahah.
So unglam.
Kim, Callista, Shok Teng, Qi Zhi, Gillian went up to the library to join Fang Ying, Charmaine and Cezanne,
Leaving me and Shermin alone :(
We kind of messed with each other's phones before going up to class to get Shermin's bag and went back down to the canteen to do work.
(Yah right, work. Lol)

Hahah I love my pokemon buddy she's so cute :D
We tried doing math but.
Can't. Understand >:( !!
Keep falling asleep in Mr Ng's class.
Don't know what he's talking about half the time lor.
He goes on and on like a train and the only people who's answering in class are Brittany, Glenys and Kimmie -.-
Omg I can feel another F9 for Math,
We gave up and started drawing on Magic Tape and Correction Tape.

Then Clara,
Sitting at the other table was like,
OMG Shermin!! Tessa DREW ON YOUR BLOUSE?!?!"
When she saw this.

The power of Magic Tape lol.
Anyway PB vandalised me too :0

Ok sidetrack a bit I think I just heard thunder.
No don't rain now rain tomorrow morning at like, 7.30?
We left at around 6.30 to go to interchange.
Bought BreakTalk before Shermin waited with me for the bus,
Then she went to go meet
Thanks for the laughs, babe.
IJ Netties C Div 09.
We need to work harder,
We gotta work harder.

I guess we're the worst Div ever :(
Like really.
We lost two matches.
By a pathetic one goal.

Our seniors didn't lose any match last year for both Zones and Nationals.

We need to push ourselves to the max,
We need to do as well as seniors.

We can do better,
I know we can.

We can play really well if we want.
But I don't know why.
Is it our mentality?
Is it our ego?

I know during training or game,
We get really tired and we just wanna give up,

And there's coach,
Yelling away.
I know it's demoralising.

But we're not doing this for her,
It's for ourselves.
We want to work hard for us.

It's just three more weeks.

Next match against Sports School.
We need to win,
If not it's completely over for us,
We'd be out of Nationals.

Do we want that?
I guess not.

So let's work hard,
Because we want this,
We want the championship trophy again.
We want to bring glory to the school.

C Div 07/08, National 1st.
B Div 07/08, National 2nd.

Let's work hard to get C Div 08/09, National 1st.
B Div 08/09, National 1st.

We can do it right babes.
Just slog for another three weeks and it's over.
It's over.

Let's just push ourselves,
Let's not make Coach angry anymore,
Let's play up to our level best,
Let's start concentrating,
Let's start being disciplined,
Let's put our heart and soul into playing,
Let's believe in ourselves.

We play for ourselves and not for others.
We want to win the game!"
Hahha by the way I ripped all the photos off
I think they were Zonal finals last year.
Ok training tomorrow I'm gonna work hard and push myself :D
Hopefully coach isn't in a bad mood.
Super tired now guess I'm gonna sleep.
Night peepxxx.
xoxo 9:57 PM
Baby boy,Today was great.
Though it was short,
It was like winning a million bucks finally seeing you again,
After two super long days.
Today was so much but not enough.
I love you so much,
Don't let me go.
xoxo 9:10 PM
You're fighting things,Daryl sent me the pictures on msn already yay thank you :D
He fractured his wrist so our msn chat is so funny haha.
I'm like typing and he's like voice clipping all the way.
So kwel haha I should do it sometime.
Peektures :D
Ok wth my blogger got something wrong I can't upload pics!! :(
I'll upload again later when it's fixed bah :0
Omg Daryl is damn funny I swear.
T: I havn't add you on facebook yet leh. You wanna add me instead I'm kinda lazy haha.
D: Walao eh my wrist like that you still want me to type
T: No I don't want you to type I want you to highlight then press ctrl + c and ctrl + v :D I where got so bad want to kill you de. Hah :D
D: Then I still have to type, type in my username and password and press enter leh!
T: Aiya, that one can't help you cause you didn't Favourite Facebook and have auto login enabled :0 Must exercise your wrist! Or else forever won't recover HAHAH,Omg hahah.
Anyway on a side note I've ran out of contact lense solution!!
School started today aw :(
Kinda sianxx.
Yesterday woke up @ 4 am cause mosquito bites were itching!! :(
Tried to apply cream,
Applied wrong.
Climbed out of bed,
Wash leg,
Find cream,
Go back to bed.
Finally slept at like 5 or something hah.
Woke up at 6 to print recipe -.-
So today was super tired :(
Cause the day before didn't sleep early either.
Stayed back in school today to do homework with peepx :D
Kim took an unglam pic of me :(
Lunched with Kim,
Then Kim Callista Qi Zhi and Shok Teng went up to the library.
Accompanied Shermin to class to get her bag then we went back down to the canteen to continue with homework :D
Hahah I love Shermin my Pokemon buddy!
We kinda exchanged phones and started messaging each other omg how lame are we :0
I'll upload pics next time because my stupid blogger's spoilt>:(
Anyway walked with Pokemon buddy to interchange before we bought Breadtalk and she sent me to the bus stop.
Today was fun fun :D
Will update again stupid blogger's spoilt now :(
Good luck to seniors for match tomorrow!
Baby I miss you.
Sorry for showing you attitude just now when I smsed you.
It's just that I get into a bad mood whenever you mention _
Please forgive me,
I love you.
xoxo 9:04 PM
AbcomfgxyzHahahahahha I think today was so fun :D
Happy first birthday Marcus! (In advance)
Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday to Marcus,Happy birthday to you!Sheran brought Marcus to celebrate his birthday @ Barnicles at Rasa :D

Omg he is sho cuteexx hahahha ok.
Ate kinda little though.
Embarrassing if I kept going to eat at the buffet hahah.
But the deserts were damn good.
Thank goodness for Chef Sebastian and his awsome chocolate cake hahah :D
By the way on a side note I think Chef is handsome lor!
His accent is totally kwelx too can.
My french husband's idol.
Had cake.

Still can't beat Rasa's tiramisu cake lor lor.
I had like a freaking big slice of it for desert hah :D
I had tiramisu cake for my birthday,
Vanessa's birthday,
Uncle's birthday,
Grandma's birthday.
It's the bestxz :D
Buy me that for my birthday kthxkissesxo
In the morning I camped in mum's office charging my phone :D
Omg I got it back yay yay!
I had like 38 messages wth.
Then went down to towel stand to find Nicholas because it was so early and no one has started working yet (that I know of)
Bob was doing balloon sculpturing with Momon and Alan :D
Didn't go today uh uh.

Omgxz he is sho cuteex hahah ok sorry for limited vocab :(
Kinda stoned now.
Eddy started work so went to find him at Sea Sports :D

Havn't seen him for three weeks miss him like abdslifldkcj.
Please take care hah,
Stop falling sick!!

Super busy in the morning :(
Then got this ang moh lady come scold me lehx.
AM: "So, what are YOU going to do about this?
Me: "Er, I'm really sorry but all the kayaks are rented out now so I can't rent you anything. You can't use the paddleboats because the tides too low-"
AM: "So am I suppose to just wait here till the kayaks come back!? Can I place a booking instead."
Me: "Sorry ma'am we don't do bookings-"
AM: "I checked in at 3 pm yesterday, came here at 4pm but the weather was not good so y'all didn't rent me the kayaks. I came back at 5 but y'all close at 6. Today I come and y'all have rented everything out. I am checking out at 12 SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?"
Me: "Er, ma'am-"
AM: "Listen, y'all are just basically renting out stuff y'all don't have. You know what this means? It's all BULLSHIT.
Me: "Well ma'am why don't you just fish off cause I don't work here I'm just helping out you bytchhhhh >:( now YOU stop bullshiting."Hahah ok I didn't really say that last line but Eddy saw her shouting @ me and came to my rescue hahaha.
Walao ehx she complain in front of so many people somemore make me so paiseh can.
Nicholas came to Sea Sports then got sent home LOL.
Hahah so sad everytime he come to work also kena sent home.
Dragged him and Nessa to go to 7-11 to buy slurpie for Eddy.
Then outside the 7-11 they were having some cup stacking demo thing.

The Nessa wanted to go,
So we had an arguement.
V: "Eh Jie Jie come follow me go try leh"
T: "Don't want lah. Ownself do lah.
V: "Nic follow me lehx.
N: "Don't want lah. Call your sister go."
And we were like that forever hahahha.
Till Nic said.
N: "Ok I go with you, you do first then I do then you do then I doHahah God bless Nic :D
Ended up Nessa kept doing and doing by herself and throw us aside :(

I took videos but er lazy upload now so another time ok. :D
Nic also tried to do.
Like after scolding Nessa so many times for doing it wrongly.

They two so pro hahah I lose already :(
We camped there for like an hour plus lor -.-
Nessa so engrossed hah.
By the time we went back the slurpies were like melted hahaha.
Went to the arcade after to play :D
Omfg N like set a new highscore for the basketball lah wth pro :(

Watched Nessa and Nic play DDR,
Then we played Spot the Diff LOL.
Omg the screen was -.-
Super lousy hah.
Anyway went back to Sea Sports to talk and whatever then Nic went to catch the bus home.
Eddy went back shortly after.
So went to find Jason at the pool since didn't talk to him before.
Hahah he is so retarted.
Went to food court to take away stuff.
Came home,
Nothing much really.
Just super tired now and school starts tomorrow noooo :(
By the way super late posting but pics of our OM meetings LOL.

How Felicia wastes my sunblock :(
By the way:

I am an awsome photographer rightx?!
Come on say it hahahah.
I rock,
You stone,
They pebble.HAHAHAH.
Omg I am so lame.
Anyway I am a happy bird :D
Nightx peeps.
No training tomorrow yay.
No yay cause Coach's pissed at us that's why no training.
What to do.
I love you baby,
Please take care.
Thanks for making me smile so much today.
xoxo 10:41 PM
Baby, I love you.Training today again like wth?
Didn't feel that tiring though.
Triangle was kinda ok,
Better than Thurs :D
Shermin hurt her back.
You better go see a doctor soon k babe.
Take care and don't get injured kkk.
Still got nationals!
Coach made us do some retarded thing that wasted a lot of our time :(
Keep having to redo cause we don't understand lol.
Half court waz ok.
Seniors are awsomexxx :D
After thatx Shermin and Danielle came to my house to shower and eat.
Waited for Shermin's hair to dry before we left LOL.
Went to Danielle's church for her Captain's ball event thing.
Omg I didn't know there was a church in Bishan can hahha.
Anyway in the beginning it was kinda sianz.
Then it got funner hahha.
Omg I swear our team was damn lame.
Daryl taped his shoe with duck tape cause his sole came out.
Reminds me of that time I masking taped my shoe LOL.
Cause my sole was dropping out :(
And Daniel broke his specs cause someone hit him and it flew landed and broke.
Reminds me of the time I broke Shermin's specs during training cause I landed on them LOL.
Sorry hunx hahahh.
Anywayx I met someone with ugly tan lines too!
Besides IJ netballers hahha.
Jia Min has like ankle guard tan only on one leg hahha looks weirder than us :0
Anyway it was raining elephants and pigs today just before we started :(
So played indoors but was still fun.
Sent Shermin to bus stop then went to buy bubble tea and walked home :D
I saw a rainbow!!
Me Shermin and Daryl were like talking and standing in the rain outside church -.-
Then I was like,
Ehxx rainbow!!
Hahha I am such a 3 year old.
Anywayx Daryl owes me peektures.
Krystle and Shermin too! :(
I am getting my phone back tomorrow yay! :D
xoxo 9:48 PM
I'm sick
This game of
Hide and Seek.
xoxo 10:08 PM

I wanna hold you tight and never let go.
Baby, I miss you.
Omg today is super de tiring! :(
Went to school early in the morning for punishment run :(
It's the last 2.4 today (for punishment at least)
My timing was 11.42 yay yay :D
Went to shower, (sort of)
Then tried to do homework.
So went to buy chicken rice with Lindsay :D
Came back to eat and do council board.
Omg ended up words were too small so we had to redo! :(
Ended up falling asleep outside on the sit up boards.
Then the uncle chased us in cause the lightning alert was on hahha.
Had fun with Kyrstel writing stuff on scotchtape and pasting it on each other we are lamex :D
Pics with Kyrstel she still havn't send to me :(
Anyway I miss Sentosa a lot lot :(
And all the people there.

I think I'm going back on Sunday yay :D
But I'm not done with my holiday homework wth nevermind :0
Can do tomorrow.
I miss Macs with peepx too :(

And I miss breakfasts with Nic :( :( :(

Hahha I like this pic it makes you look hawtx like me 8D
Sorry for not finishing my food today.
Really no mood uh uh. :(
By the way,
Thanks for accompanying me to talk and crap and rest till 5 plus yesterday yesterday though you were like freaking tired.
And sorry for keeping on making you wait hahha I am slow :(
Especially sorry for making you wait outside my house for half an hour plus :(
Lol wtf I sound so lame leh.
People come my house I also can late HAHAHA.
But thanks for everything.
You really cheered me up :D
Been spending lots of time with netballers lately.
I think we should work harder for Nationals and try to stop pissing Coach off.
Cause when she gets pissed off we all D I E :(
So let's all work harder and stop ponning training lol k.
Omg what kind of encouraging speech is this HAHAHA.
Ok bye yall training tomorrow sianxz.
xoxo 9:17 PM