I've lost all motivation to do anything and everything.
Life's such a perplex and confusing thing that sometimes it just drains everything out of me trying to figure out what exactly living is.
Do you live to other people's expectations so that they can be happy but you sad,
Or do you make your wants and needs the first and see everyone around you flustered and disappointed whilst you're basking in your own happiness?
I'm thinking so much that I think my skull's going to split into two right now and then I'll need stitches for that, too.
Or do you live because it's a process that every living thing has to go through?
I really want to know the answer but I know there never will be one.
"Do not follow paths others have treaded on but instead start your own"People say forgive and forget,
But how do you ever reach the state of forgetting if forgiving was already such a stranious task to undergo and excecute?
Your friend eats your sweets you've saved up for for a week.
Everyone says to forgive and forget.
You know you can forgive her,
But that memory, that action she took,
You won't forget it, right?
And that was a small scale example.
Philosophers should really be tested to test the logic of their statements.
All in all,
I really don't want to face reality because it's a big, motherfucking ugly monster that'll reach out and break my neck.
xoxo 11:40 PM
xoxo 10:39 PM
Spent the most slack day w Kimmie.

Stayed back in school to do homework.
But had lunch first and then I did my math.
Yes I don't believe it myself :D
Done w math did Lit but fell asleep halfway :(
Woke up and half completed it though.
I'm an epic fail at studying but at least I did Math and Science :D
And I paid some sort of attention during Chinese today.
I participated in the discussion wtf oTTL.

Anw, Michelle fell and this plastic thing cut into her arm.
Because she was hardworking and decided to help us for Lit play.
Btw, we won! :D
Special thanks to our director Gracine because w/o you babe nothing would have happened.
Thanks to our asisstant director Sakina for shouting at us to do work.
And for bringing us coffee and tea.
Thank you all the actors, Gracine, Diyanah, Brittany, Natalie, Felicia,
Because w/o any of you the play would not have happened.
Thank you stage directors, Rebecca and Kimmie,
Because w/o you, we would have been lost on stage.
Big kisses to the backdrop ppl and all who helped for the last minute rush.
Also thank you publicity people for the effort.
And not so big thanks to props and costumes for making us get our own! >:(
Anw, the play was a bomb.
Love you alll xoxoxoxo.
Btw, the cut is fake. It's just paint and plastic.Back to today.
After studying w Kimmie and Alicia,
Yi Lu came to find us and she was super over the moon because she saw my pretty face.
Ok not, but who cares.
Walked to inter and filmed some fucked up shit.
Then Alicia had to go so K, YL and I went to BK to eat.

Yi Lu!

Talked for awhile then Yi Lu had to go.
They all said wanted to eat dinner but in the end only I was eating :(
Wasted $6.95 on a burger, fries and a medium drink.
Why is BK so exp :(

One dinner and yeah.
Chatted and walked about before Kimmie sent me to the bus stop and then she went to wait for her dad to come.
Got some stupid videos but I'm not gonna post because they're all over my Facebook thanks to Sharon Celestine and Samantha.
My blogger doesn't open on my laptop.
It goes to some webpage that types in blogger on it's search engine.
And even on my Sis's com the posting is screwed.
Are you all's too?
Omg oTTL
What is up w blogger!
Just when I feel like blogging again and it doesn't let me, poo :(
xoxo 9:12 PM
xoxo 10:19 PM
Have been taking taxis as if they're free.
What the fuck am I doing w my life.
xoxo 1:37 PM